29 March 2011

27 March 2011

Home is Where?

March 27, 2011
This is me (down in front), circa, nineteen seventy something....probably about '79.  My grandma and three uncles, in front of my parents homestead in Alaska.  My grandparents resided there at this specific time.  "Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old...

25 March 2011

Spanish Torrijas

March 25, 2011
It's fun to learn new things in a different culture.  I was waiting for my kids to get out of school when a mom, who I've had coffee with a few times, of one of the boys in Brennan & Reegan's class handed me a packet. I've now been introduced to Torrijas.  A traditional pastry eaten...

23 March 2011


March 23, 2011
That's a little tat (temporary, of course) on her arm if you're wondering.  My kids LOVE tattoos! It seems these days that most people have their kids reading at the age of 3 or 4 years old.  Well, that didn't happen in our home. But Karis is a quick learner and is in the beginning...

22 March 2011

Realities of Europe

March 22, 2011
Honestly, the questions in my last post were somewhat selfish.  Isn't that often how we as human beings think?  Or maybe it's just me!! I often wonder what people, friends, family think of us living in Europe.  Are we crazy?  Are we on an exciting adventure in beautiful places? ...

20 March 2011

18 March 2011

A Ladybug Visitor

March 18, 2011
I had to run and get the kids because what kid doesn't like a ladybug?!  Well, I guess I can't say that because when Karis & Brennan were younger, they weren't too crazy about them runny around on their arms.  Reegan was always the brave one and loved to hold a ladybug.  They've...

17 March 2011

Antiperspirant FAIL

March 17, 2011
Several years ago we discussing European antiperspirant with some friends that lived in a neighboring central European country. In the US, we always just called it deodorant.  In Europe, you do not want to buy just deodorant. It is very important that you look for that crucial word "antiperspirant." ...

16 March 2011

Scrap N Chat

March 16, 2011
My friend and colleague, Mara, hosted a Scrap n Chat event in our city of Alcobendas this week.  I wish I could say that I was crafty.  I am not.  But I went more for the chattin'!  Ha! I obviously didn't read the information (in my defense, it is in Spanish!) because my idea was...

Won't You Meet My Neighbor

March 16, 2011
This is my neighbor, Chus (pronounced Choos.....it's an "s" sound on the end and not a "z" sound like in English).  We periodically meet for coffee (and sometimes Churros) and I really enjoy spending time with her! She is one of my "go to" friends when I have questions.  Her family introduced...

14 March 2011

11 March 2011

10 March 2011

The Sardine is a Burnin'

March 10, 2011
Not a real sardine, but of the paper kind. We got a note home before the Carnaval that the kids were suppose to color 2 sardine scales (which I learned at the parade, before that I had no idea what it was) and write on the scale something that they want to see disappear.  It seemed a little...

08 March 2011

The Carnaval Parade

March 08, 2011
Monday was our parade!  The kids were to dress up as people from around the world.  Brennan has an awesome shield he got on our trip to Segovia and decided he wanted to be a knight.  With battling sickness, costume hunting was put off to the VERY last minute.  Although, I am known...


March 08, 2011
The Carnaval (the Spanish spelling) season in Spain is very similar to that of Mardi Gras.  Parades take place all over the country and in the schools.  All last week led up to the big festival that was suppose to be held on Friday.  However, we had quite the snowy/rainy/nasty weather,...

04 March 2011

Spanish Jamón

March 04, 2011
What is Jamón (pronounced ham-own with a hard "h" sound at the beginning)? Well, take a look! This is the jamón aisle at our local supermarket. Take a look at this jamon website to get a description of how the pigs are fed (with acorns!), cured, and eaten. I haven't really had it yet. ...

03 March 2011

Hello Neighborhood

March 03, 2011
Hello swimming pool.  We miss you!  We'll see you in about 4 months!  Oh how I wish it was sooner! Hello and thank you kind gentleman! Hello crazy kids on the street!  You are getting TOO big! Hello school!  Karis misses you on the weekends! Hello...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...