20 March 2011

First Thoughts that Come to Mind When You Think of Europe?

I'm curious......a little interactive post here.

Three questions for you.

What are some of the first thoughts that come to mind when you think of Europe?

Do you think of it as a whole, as the European Union?

Or do you think of it individually?  France, Italy, Germany??

I hope to hear from some of you!  I know there are a lot of lurkers out there!!  Speak up!  I'd love to hear from you!!

I'll be back to tell you a little more of where I'm going with this.

Be thinking and comment away!!


  1. Chocolate!!!! Actually my family comes to mind first, but the chocolate ranks really close! lol! The beautiful landscapes, the history and the cool castles. I think of it as a whole area because it's one vast area that I can't wait to explore more. I also think of the people my sisters family works with and others who are working in the same field. Admittedly, that wasn't something I thought about much until they moved over there. Now, meeting some of those people and hearing about them from my sister, I feel a connection to that area that I hadn't felt before. Oh yeah...did I mention the chocolate?

    Cindy Crosby (I listed as anonymous because I couldn't get my google log in to work)

  2. I think of Old World architecture, rich history, and diverse cultures. Definitely as separate countries.

  3. Definitely as each individual country, each with it's own food/history/culture!

  4. When I think of Europe, I think of very modern in the trends but very rich in its ties to history and the past. I think of it usually as a whole but there are a few countries such as Italy, Spain and England that I think of as individuals.

  5. Thanks for returning the visit, following back and your kind compliments on my work. I've been in Belize for almost 8 years. Wow! I just had to add that up. I didn't think when I moved here I'd still be here after a year and now here it is almost 8 years later and I have no real plans to go anywhere. It's a nice country, the people are friendly, cost of living is relatively low but so is the pay scale. But it's very calm and peaceful and a good place, I think, to raise children while they are still little. I think eventually I'll move though to give my son a broader sense of what the world is really like. Things can tend to be quite closed off here.

    Sorry for the long reply to a simple question. :-)

    As for this post, I think of old, traditional and great architecture. I thought of it first as a whole entity until you specified particular countries and then I started thinking of it like that.

    Thank you for the blessings and the same to you and your family!

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  6. 1) Castles, old buildings and churches, mountains, many languages, short distances between countries, many cultures in a relatively small space, cheap flights, brewad and breakfasts, driving on the wrong side of the road (can you tell I am talking from the perspective of a traveller!?)

    2) Smaller countries. I don't even know which countries are in the EU!

    Just read the other's answers... I don't think if England as being Europe. Is it?

  7. I think of individual countries, Italy, France, England...And the food! ;)

  8. Hmm. I guess I think of it as a whole...the whole region ranging from Portugal and the UK over to western Russia and then down to southern Italy and Greece. I think of small countries, trains, lots of history, and good coffee and chocolate. Hope this helps!

  9. Our Auntie Steph living in Spain ... and getting to see her next month! Yeah!

    Visiting from SITS :)

  10. 1. Wine (sorry if that's not kosher. LOL) and trains.

    2. I think of them as individual countries.

  11. 1. Germany - I lived there as a little kid.
    2. seperate countries

  12. #1 - History, amazing architecture, & of course the romantic aspect of it all!
    #2 - As individual countries - there is something about the EU that has always thrown up red flags for me.


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