04 March 2011

Spanish Jamón

What is Jamón (pronounced ham-own with a hard "h" sound at the beginning)?

Well, take a look!
This is the jamón aisle at our local supermarket.
Take a look at this jamon website to get a description of how the pigs are fed (with acorns!), cured, and eaten.

I haven't really had it yet.  The smell is unpleasant to me in the store and these big ole legs of ham are not cheap.  Some are 150€ (that's over $200!!!) or more!!

Spaniards will buy them and hang them on a hook in their kitchen and shave some off when they're ready to eat it.

It can be purchased in smaller packages as well.  I understand there to be different varieties and some taste better than others.  We need to take the opportunity to try it sometime.

Like I said, I can't really get past the smell!

But I'll try just about anything.

What say you?  Would you try Spanish Jamón??


  1. Not sure I could do it either . . .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stopping by from SITS- I was raised in a Southern Baptist church, what an amazong job you and your husband have. I love that you adopted also. I have a strong desire to adopt one day too. Always have, ever since my sister was adopted, and my dad adopted me.
    I look forward to reading your blog, I'll be following you now.

    Oh and I don't think I could do the hanging smelly meat either. Ewww.

  4. Holy WOW that is so interesting. I guess I would try anything once
    : ) I love bacon.

    Thank you for being a missionary and spreading God's love around the globe. Your family is very beautiful.

  5. Hmmm interesting. Never seen or heard of this before! I cant imagine the smell is pleasant. However, here in the South many of the plantations had smoke houses and the ham was hung and smoked/dried for months and then shaved.

  6. Tina, I'm so jealous! I'd love to try the Spanish Jamon! I've heard it's incredible! Let me know how you like it if you decide to try it. Jenn/Rook No. 17

  7. Actually, yes! And I have to admit, I love it! We went to El Museo del Jamon in downtown Madrid. I'd highly recommend this! They serve it with melon (like a honeydew) and it's a delicious tapas!

  8. A friend recommended a certain kind, so I bought some at the store but haven't tried it yet. I'll write about it when I do!

    I've heard of the jamon museum. We need to check that out!


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