31 May 2011


I was doing some picking up and sorting this morning when I had this nudging that I needed to check our bank account.  I had just checked it at the end of last week and we hadn't made that many transactions over the weekend, but I couldn't ignore the urge I had. This is one of those times that...

30 May 2011


Paella is a traditional Spanish rice dish.  There are SO many variations out there for paella (pronounced pi-ay-ya).  The great thing I learned.....it's a very versatile dish.  I actually had to do a bit of improvising and you know what? It still turned out great!  You can change...

27 May 2011

Apple Scone Cake

I'm linking up with Kelly again and we are sharing desserts. Welcome to any who are here for the first time.  I LOVE to bake, but I haven't been doing as much of it lately.  Our lives are a bit crazy right now. I had to share a favorite.  Some may think this is more of a Fall dessert,...

26 May 2011

What Does Spain Need?

 My hubby is actually contributing to the blog!!  He told me he wanted to write something about his experience this weekend and he gave me first dibs on putting it out on the world wide web.  I feel so special.  Ha! “It’s the economy, stupid.” These words changed the...

24 May 2011

Re-visit from Moli & a Recipe

Last week I mentioned our weekend visitor, Moli.  But I forgot to explain who he is and why he was visiting for the weekend.  In the Fall I wrote about Karis' weekend visitor, Aris, a mascot (for lack of a better word) for her class.  Moli is the mascot for Brennan & Reegan's class. ...

20 May 2011

Main Course Recipes

I'm linking up with Kelly's Korner and we're sharing main dish recipes.  I kind of threw this post together, so I don't have photos.  But, I've got three recipes to share! First is a recipe I found at Our Best Bites for Crispy Coconut Chicken Fingers with Pineapple Dipping Sauce.  I...

18 May 2011

Weekend Visitor for San Isidro

We wrapped up our weekend festivities by attending the local carnival in celebration of San Isidro.  It's standard fare to have all kinds of food and rides,  pretty much just like in the States. We had a tag along for the weekend. Introducing Moli! He attended church with us. Reegan,...

15 May 2011

Saint Isidro

We got a note home that, once again, we needed to purchase costumes, called chulapos for the boys and chulapas for the girls for the Fiesta of San Isidro.  I had no idea what that was!  Since our, never to be forgotten shepherd costume incident, I've been a bit worried if I'm doing things...

13 May 2011

Where's the Tooth Fairy?

The kids took a school trip to a farm yesterday.  I wish I could have strapped a video or camera to them to see what all they got to do.  Trying to get the details out of them was like pulling teeth! Speaking of teeth, Karis is losing them left and right.  In just the past couple of weeks...

11 May 2011

The Royals

Last Friday I had a coffee time with some ladies from church.  Half the ladies there were from the UK and of course our gossip talk turned to the royal wedding!  We were discussing a popular British magazine called "Hello!"  Last week's edition was all about the wedding.  My hubby...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...