28 February 2011

Leave it to the Foreigner

February 28, 2011
Do you remember the shepherd costume incident? Well, we'll call this the face paint incident! This week is "Carnaval" at school.  Each day the kids have a fun thing assigned to wear. Monday - face paint Here are my 2 little face painted gals this morning on their way to school. ...

25 February 2011

It's Happened....We're There..

February 25, 2011
I knew the time would come. It was fast approaching. It makes me laugh a bit. And makes me think how I was a little judgmental in the past of others. What you might ask? That's right. Karis has become my translator. My personal interpreter. My "go get the ketchup" girl at Burger...

24 February 2011

Her Guts, His Glory

February 24, 2011
Meet Audrea. She was excited to be pregnant with her 4th child.  She went to her routine 15 week check up and discovered that her baby had miscarried at approximately 12 weeks.  She was scheduled to have a “routine” DNC where she went to the appointment and woke up in the ICU fighting...

22 February 2011

I Am First

February 22, 2011
"I'm first!" "No, I'm first!" This is a constant battle between the kids.  I remembered a tip from a friend and established a calendar for everyone to have a "first" day.   Had I not done this, insanity would have continued! Ok, insanity still ensues, but by implementing this maybe...

17 February 2011

The Lovebug

February 17, 2011
You may learn, if you haven't noticed already, that I am not a mom that is always on top of things or with it.  I tend to do thing a tad late, but hey, at least I do it eventually.  Ok, not always.  Like the Thanksgiving project I've been meaning to do for the last 2 Thanksgiving without...

15 February 2011

I Want You To Meet S

February 15, 2011
In areas of Madrid you will commonly find Africans standing outside the major stores or malls.  It looks as if they are holding a folder of papers/fliers to sell, but I've been told it is a way for someone to give them a donation.  By placing the money on top the folder. I have a real heart...

14 February 2011

V Day, Barnwell Style

February 14, 2011
I can't say that we are an extremely romantic couple or make big plans for something like Valentine's Day. We don't do diamonds or flowers, Or even a card, for that matter. We do, however, take the time to at least spend a quick meal together. By ourselves! That's important!! We let the kids...

12 February 2011


February 12, 2011
Do I have you wondering about that little number up there? Could it be....my age?  HA!  I think you know the answer to that! 17 Maybe our apartment number?? How many pieces of fruit in my kitchen?? 17 Or how many dvds we have?? Maybe it's how many pets we've owned?? 17 Still got ya wondering?? Oh,...

11 February 2011

Ladies' Coffee Time

February 11, 2011
 As I've mentioned in the past we have been attending an English speaking international church.  We've attended several in our time in Europe and it is amazing to me how vastly different they can each be (of course, that's true of churches in the US too).  So much can depend on the...

09 February 2011

Art of the Eskimo Yoyo

February 09, 2011
My cousin posted this photo on facebook recently.  I was so proud of my icicle (that I'm holding)! That's me with my Grandma and uncles Bill, Butch & Ross at "The Homestead" about 2 hours north of Anchorage.  My parents lived there for a few years before I was born, then due to the...

Guest Post Blog

February 09, 2011
My friend, Amy asked me to do a guest post on her blog about us and life overseas. Go check it out, if you like. Amy and her family are currently living in Nagoya, Japan.  I'm so honored that she asked me to participate! And be on the look out for similar guest posts on my blog to share the...

08 February 2011

Bedtime Bonanza

February 08, 2011
We've got the normal evening schedule.  Eat dinner, take baths, brush teeth, read Bible Story, say a prayer, watch Little Bear, flip on daddy's legs and go to bed. What was that second to last one, you ask?  Why yes, flip on daddy's legs.  It goes something like this. What form!  Look...

06 February 2011

Maybe I Am a Sweet Bread Mom

February 06, 2011
I think we're on the mend.  It wasn't until Saturday that I had some energy (after getting antibiotics Tuesday).  So much so that I got a bunch of laundry done, cleaned up our living area and even baked 2 different breads, Pioneer Woman's Banana Bread and a no starter version of Amish Friendship...

Medical Care

February 06, 2011
In May I gave you a little insight into our visit to get our Czech physicals for our driver's license. To give a little recap.....holes in the floor, 1950s church pew benches, 30 second exam for me AND Jerry, total. Spain is in a whole different category than Czech Republic when it comes to medical...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...