25 February 2011

It's Happened....We're There..

I knew the time would come.

It was fast approaching.

It makes me laugh a bit.

And makes me think how I was a little judgmental in the past of others.

What you might ask?

That's right.

Karis has become my translator.

My personal interpreter.

My "go get the ketchup" girl at Burger King.

Luckily, she is quick to help and is so independent and such a social butterfly that it doesn't bother her one bit!

I'm thankful for that.

And quick to thank her for her help!

I'm a little less judgmental of those moms I saw at various times while in TX.  Immigrants from south of the border somewhere.

This is the first time I've studied a language with 3 kids in tow.

Boy, does that make a difference.

So, if you've been like me and notice those kids translating for their parents.

Give them a little break.

It's hard raising a family and studying a language.

Although I do need to hit the books a bit more.

Have a great weekend!


  1. That is great! Philip's sister had Isabel order pizza the other night for her. She did great! All the pizzas came and were right, so that is a success! I say just be proud of her and her accomplishment!

  2. Yay, Karis!! Amazing how quickly kiddos pick up another language isn't it? Think of you all and pray for you often!

  3. Hi! You were above me in the SITS Sharefest today. Looks like you lead a pretty cool life! Keep up the good work!


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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...