16 March 2012


 A famous German rostbratwürst, or as we know it, sausage, from the town of Nürnburg, Germany.
 My little man who is going to turn into a Nürnberger, he loves these things so much!
I have never been a big sausage link fan.  They always smell good, but the taste never appeals to me.  I'm a big bacon eater!  But, I'm always curious to try them thinking I'll like them "this time." 
Soon after arriving in Vienna, we had a brunch with our team and some Nürnbergers were brought.
I was turned off by their whitish color.  Just looked kind of "eww!"
Right on the package, straight from Nürnberg.
I took a bite and fell in love!  Ok, a little over dramatic, but it was definitely good!  I couldn't believe I liked them!
I keep thinking they are going to lose their appeal.  So far, they haven't.  And they show up for breakfast about 2-3 times a week!! 
In reading through the link above,  I learned that Nürnbergers are protected by EU law!  Which means the Nürnberger can only be produced in the city of Nürnberg.  Interesting!

So come on over and we'll be sure to serve you up some Nürnbergers.

If that doesn't appeal to you, how about a peanut butter cookie?!  I'll give you a whole one, not the half eaten one.  I promise!
Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Love Nurnbergers!!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Enjoy!


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