14 March 2012

A Loser Day

We all have those days don't we?  An overly human moment.  A moment we're not proud of.

Tonight it was with my kids.  It seemed like not a single one of them was listening to me......not doing what I asked, showing little respect......lollygagging in the bath, not getting their toothbrush, and on, and on and on.  And I lost it.

I'm not proud of it, but I lost it!

I wrote a quick text to my friend Kristi sharing my outburst and exclaiming that I'm not winning any mother of the year award any time soon.  And she sent me an email she saved for such a time as this.  It was a blog post from Inspired to Action giving 8 verses to inspire us to be patient mothers.  It was just what I needed.  Definitely verses I need to plaster all over my house as a reminder.

As I got to the bottom of the email, it mentioned a post by Ann Voscamp, "Why is it so hard to be patient?"  Also some good content and things to remember as mothers.  Ann is a talented writer and has a way of sharing Christ with beautiful words.  I've heard so many wonderful things about her book, One Thousand Gifts.  I haven't read it myself, but I need to.  It's on the list!

I then decided to see what her most recent blog post was.  Today's post, "What to do when I feel like a loser?"   which inspired my blog title for today and spoke greatly to me.  Funny where a chain of reading can take you!!

In case you don't get a chance to read it, let me just quote a few lines that made me pause or spoke volumes after my very human moment.

"I do know there are parenting days when the terms of endearment can get confusing and it all feels more like the terms of endurement."

That made me giggle just a bit.

"Our arguing, it can go in circles. I don’t like it. What I like even less some days is me."

Ugh, amen!

"How could I have said those things and what part of this glorious child has my storm ripped off and how have words left marks?"

Probably my biggest fear! I don't want my kids to remember me as a tyrant, forever scarred by my words.  I want them to see Christ in me!!

"In one wild moment, my disordered desires can betray how quickly I can lose my God-orientation."

"Encircle us, Christ, us in all our dizzying chaos."

“It’s not that you aren’t going to blow it. It’s what you do with it after.”

Amen, amen, amen!!

"forgiveness is a river that sweeps everything away."

"The losers, the ones lost in the labyrinth of life, are the ones made amazing – by the One who solves the mazes of life." 

“In Him, you are already amazing.”
“In the flesh, you’re a mess.

In Christ, you amaze.”

Amazing!  I love that!!

Have you had those moments you are not so proud of?  I hope you'll find encouragement in this today too!!

My sweet boy did go to bed telling me I am the best mom he's ever had!!  How sweet is that?!

Right before that, I did tell him he could wear his new Iron Man costume to school tomorrow for Spirit Week that he picked out to wear for his birthday (that is not until June!). 

Maybe a little making up for a bad attitude on my part!


  1. We all have those days from time to time. Glad the Lord led you in His funny way to the perfect post to read.

  2. That is so neat, Tina! And so funny, because I saw your post in my dashboard, and then a few down, the post from Ann Voskamp. :) Hugs to you, friend!!

  3. Tina, I had that moment too! In fact-embarassed sigh- I have it almost every day :( Recently I talked to dh and told him, I am working on this, so he could expect an even untidier house, less done, etc. because I know I need to make my parenting/loving/training my children kindly and calmly first! So thank you for sharing this list! I'm printing them off. I love your blog :) My dream is to come visit you sometime when I finally get to go to Italy for a nice visit and can leave kiddos (all three) with the 'nonni' (my parents!) so please, just stay in the vicinity of Italy!!! Love, Miriam


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