01 March 2011

Dulce de Leche Love

This has quickly become one of my favorite snacks.  Apples with dulce de leche.

Are you familiar with dulce de leche?  It is a type of caramel made from cooking down sweetened condensed milk.  I have to agree with Joy the Baker that it is perfectly acceptable to bathe in.  It's that good!  Yum!

My kids are hooked on it too!

Some people make their own dulce de leche by boiling an un-open can of sweetened condensed milk in water.  I've never been brave enough to do it myself!  I'm so glad I can buy it in the little squeezy bottle at the store!

You should be able to find it in the US at specialty stores like Whole Food are Central Market.  Or if you're brave, do some Googling and make it at home!  Let me know if you try making it or have tried it!


  1. We love Dulce de Leche! I've made it several times myself as that's the only way to get it here.

    Funnily enough, even after all my time in Mexico, I never made it until I came to Africa.

    P.S We should set up a time to meet in the SITS chat room. We're almost on the same time zone...

  2. Dulce de Leche was our staple cake icing when I was little. My Mom would boil several cans of sweetened condensed milk in a large pot of water for like 5 hrs or something. Then she'd mix it with some butter, makes amazing cake icing.
    Oh, in Russia now you can buy it in cans (already boiled for you). It is called Varenka.
    I am going to make your peanut butter chicken today. Yum!

  3. That sounds very yummy! I'll have to try it :)


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