03 April 2014

It's Not Vienna's Fault

Vienna, Austria, expat, travel,
Downtown Vienna 
Ever have a mishap while traveling or living abroad? Maybe you lost your passport, your luggage was stolen, your reservation wasn't made, your visa was messed up or denied or it just seemed like nothing was working out as planned. Did it taint your thoughts of the place you were in?

That was Vienna for us. Really, it's not Vienna's fault. It just wasn't the best season of our expat journey. Now, I'm a believer in the Bible and I know that God has a reason for everything and he's not going to give us anything we can't handle. This was just one of those rough seasons in our lives. We had moved from Spain, and let me tell you, me and the kids cried when we had to leave.  We all had fallen head over heels in love with Spain and our lives there.  For work purposes we needed to move to Vienna.  Mentally, we probably weren't starting off in the right frame of mind. We were missing our new home tremendously.

Schonbunn, Gloriette, Vienna, Austria, expat, travel,
The Gloriette
I did my best to create a wonderful life for us in Vienna.  We found a sweet little quirky house with a garden and tried my hardest to make this house our home.  The kids were attending a great Christian school, ICSV, the kids and I loved their teachers, I was helping at the school, we were part of a new international church start, and I had some great girlfriends (one I made through this very blog before getting there).  So much good stuff was going on, but it just seemed that visa issues and work junk were overshadowing the good.

Vienna, Austria, expat, travel, Riesenrad, Prater
Wiener Riesenrad
If I'm being really honest here, my heart just wasn't in it and I was miserable at times.  Do I have any regrets about our time there?  Hmmmm.....yes and no.  In many ways I think we made the most of it. We had all those great things I mentioned earlier that helped make the time better.  We grew in many ways and made some friends that we will be connected to for a long time to come.  I just regret not getting out to explore the city and country more than we did.

Vienna, Austria, expat, travel, Prater Tower, swing
Once the world's tallest swing, The Prater Tower, Vienna
Sometimes an experience abroad just doesn't go as planned.  Has this happened to you?  Did you make the most of it or was it hard to move past the circumstances?


I'm co-hosting Expat Diaries today with Rachel & Chelsea.  Join us by linking up below!

Here's How:


  1. I had one of those experiences the first time I moved to Iceland two years ago. I just didn´t make the most of it and let the little mishaps discourage me. I am glad I am getting a second chance and this time around things are going much better.

  2. I'm so nervous about life after London for James and I... We don't know where we will go in six months and I have major anxiety about it!


  3. Um yes. Every time I go to Mexico disaster ensues. And I'm just gonna say that, yes, I blame it on Mexico. Each time I swear I'll never go back. Somehow I keep ending up there...

    V @ Life+1
    New Post : How to Avoid Embarrassing Travel Moments

  4. These happened sometimes. It's like part of traveling. We also experienced some disasters in the middle of the trip like delayed luggages and missed flights.

  5. It fascinates me how we can do our best to love a place but sometimes, for whatever reason, it's just not there. (Like my daughter and Scotland!) But then happy seasons of our lives connect us to some places forever!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous pictures! I have never participated in a link up, so you'll have to let me know what I do to link back. :-)

  7. I think it's tough for people to understand unless they've experienced... I mean, looking at these pictures it would be easy to think "how could you NOT love Vienna?" but I've been to amazing places and just had the completely wrong attitude and not enjoyed it. I don't think we have to love everywhere we go, as much as we would like to. but is sounds like you at least gave Vienna a chance :)

  8. I think with lots of situations it can be tough once you have your mind made up. I can imagine how hard I would be to leave something you love. The new opportunity may have been a great one, but sometimes it just can't compare :)

  9. yes, that has absolutely happened! One time I had a killer double ear infection in the AMALFI COAST, of all places. i was definitely disappointed. i was in a lot of pain! but I tried my best not to let it get my down. I remember going for a dip in the mediterranean, against doc's orders, and i swear I came back from the trip healed. magical waters :)

  10. I'm not sure I've ever been miserable while travelling, but I've definitely had moments when I've craved familiar comforts and wished things could be a bit easier. I remember arriving in London after 5 months of backpacking through Central/South America and just being so happy to unpack my bag and put my clothes into a wardrobe!! But within a month I was ready to get away again...
    Claire xx | somewhere... beyond the sea

  11. Given how often you guys move, it was bound to happen somewhere that you'd move and NOT like it. Maybe someday you'll have the chance to go back as a visitor and you'll like it more. How long did you stay in Vienna?

  12. We were there right at a year. I don't know if I'll ever get Jerry back there (he disliked it more than me), but there are definitely friends there that I'd love to go see again!

  13. That is terrible to have a double ear infection while traveling!! Magical waters, I agree!! :)

  14. After giving this more thought, I've decided that I put so much of myself into friendships

    that I had no time for exploring! We have several friends that I value so much that I would go back JUST to see them! :)

  15. And in some ways I definitely feel connected to Vienna. It's just through the friendships made there. Not the place, people or culture. :)

  16. Thanks! I loved those shoes too and need to see if I can find them again. I loved them SO much!

  17. That is completely understandable! Just think of it as a new adventure and the many possibilities and new things you will experience!! :)

  18. That would be horrible!! I know of some friends this has happened to and I always wonder if/when it will happen to me!! Scary! Gelato is definitely a great way to sooth yourself!! :D

  19. That's great!! Have you blog about that? If not, you should! It's great to see how well it's going for you this time around? :)

  20. Those are some awful mishaps! Glad they worked out in the end! :)

  21. You'll have to join us sometime!! After the list of links that people have added is a blue button that says "add your link." Have the link to your post ready to plug into the next page that comes up and follow the instructions. I can always help if you need it. :)

  22. It was SO HARD leaving a place we loved with a happy vibrant culture to one that wasn't so much. And really, it didn't compare. HOWEVER, we made some amazing friends and in giving it more thought after this post, I would definitely go back to Vienna JUST to visit them! :)

  23. We currently live in Barcelona & I when we have to move from here I will cry my eyes out and probably hate the next place we live too! Haha

  24. Transitions can be so difficult, but as you say... one grows through them. I appreciate your honesty on this!
    Your photos of it really don't show your dislike though - they're beautiful! The one of the swings especially... though I'd be terrified to be up there!

  25. It's really hard to leave a place we love! :)

  26. Thank you! It's in my nature to be genuine and real about life. :) I did still enjoy photographing there. Can't take that part out of me. ;)


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