21 March 2012

Vienna Driving

I've made some uncanny realizations when it comes to driving in this country.  One I have not experienced in Czech Republic or Spain.  I never drove in Russia.  Now that is craziness I never wanted to attempt!!
Expectations of drivers who DO NOT have the right of way!  It is insane to me!!

Let me explain.

Let's say you are on a one lane road (one lane in each direction) and you stop at a light.  I understand that it is polite to stop at a parking lot entrance when stopped at a light to allow cars to come out in front of you or to cross into the other direction.  I get that!

I got honked at the other day because I blocked a car from coming onto the road.

In my defense, I didn't see him coming, plus MY LIGHT WAS GREEN!!!  I was only waiting for the cars in front of me to begin moving.  He honked and threw his hands up at me.

What did I do?

Looked at him and threw my hands up at him!!!

Good, Christian like come back, isn't it?!
 Said parking lot entrance.
How long did he actually wait after I got by?

All of 2 seconds before he could come onto the roadway!!

Come on people!!! 

And this whole politeness feels as if it almost extends to giving complete right of way to non-right of way traffic!  Yes, if I have the right of way I feel as if there is an expectation there for me to SLOW DOWN to allow those coming into my lane!  I'm not kidding!  It is weird!  I am always watching to make sure someone isn't going to turn into me!

Don't get my started on motorcycles like this one that zip in and out of traffic and it's hard to see them coming, then the sound of them freaks you out and almost causes a wreck from being startled!
Then there are roundabouts.  I don't think there are many roundabouts in the US, but they are common here.  The law is that you watch the traffic on your left.  Those already in the roundabout have the right of way and you must yield to them.

Well, the POLITE thing to do in Austria is if you are in the roundabout, you slow for those coming on to enter in front of you.  However, this is not the law!

 I GOT HONKED AT for not allowing a lady in a roundabout in front of me!!  Excuse me?!  I'm IN the roundabout and have the right of way!! 

Had she hit me, by law, she would have been in the wrong.

Culturally I was wrong.  What?!

I even watched another car get honked at that was in a roundabout and didn't slow.  What I thought was funny was that the car in the roundabout, who wass doing as the law states, actually stopped in the roundabout and proceed to point at the yield sign to the honking car to show he certainly did have the right of way (did you follow that?)!  Good job!!   Slowly they are figuring this law/cultural thing out!

I just have to remember why I'm here.  It's not about fighting over the driving rules, now is it? Ha!


  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...