15 January 2011

What Do You Picture When You Think of Spain?

Could it be bullfighting?

 photo courtesy of sxc

Or the running of the bulls in Pamplona?

  photo courtesy of sxc

Could it be the beautiful Spanish fans?

Or flamenco dancing?

photo courtesy of sxc

Olive groves?

By the way, did you know that Spain is the leading producer of olives in the world?
Or take a look at these Spanish tiles!

Aren't they pretty?
Spain is known for many things.  And this doesn't even touch some of the food they eat, like paella or jamon (ham), which I plan to describe to you sometime in the near future.

Just wanted to give you a bit of Spain and some of the many things this beautiful country is known for!


  1. I LOVE those tiles! They are gorgeous!!!

  2. Those tiles are gorgeous!

    When I think of Spain, I think of bull fighting - lol! And what's up with the bull running through the streets? That's just crazy! Why aren't they scared?


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