07 January 2011

They Say It's Your Birthday

It's my birthday too!!

It was a pretty good day until the end.  We drove just over an hour away to Segovia.  A beautiful city complete with a gorgeous castle, cathedral and Roman aqueduct.

The bummer part of the day.....Jerry & I walked away from a park bench and left our camera backpack with our expensive camera (although 6 years old) and GPS.  Can you say "OUCH!!!" 

I felt such a heavy burden over it, although I know it's only material things.  Jerry gave it to me to hold while he took Brennan to buy a toy shield (to go with his sword).  I was handing out snacks to kids and it was sitting next to Reegan on her right and we got up and walked left.  We didn't even think about it until we got to the car.  That was about a half and hour to 45 minutes later.  Jerry decided to go check just in case.  Of course it was gone.  Ugh!

Luckily we've got insurance to cover those things, but it was an expensive mistake to make

I think I'll bake myself a cake this weekend.  Maybe that will make me feel better!


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm so sorry to hear about the lost equipment. You should definitely make a cake to cheer yourself up.

  2. UGH! I have done things like that and I am SO sorry!!! Glad it was a good day other than that and thankful you have insurance!

  3. Oh, that just leaves a knot in your stomach, doesn't it!?

    Happy Birthday, Tina!! Eat some of that yummy chocolate! :)

  4. Happy Birthday! I've got one this month too :)

  5. Happy birthday!
    I'm sorry about the camera and gps, that would upset me too.


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