30 December 2010

Mis Pastores, My Shepherds

December 30, 2010
We got a note home a few weeks ago that the kids would be doing a performance on the 23rd, their last day of school.  The parents were asked to dress the kids in a shepherd's costume.  I started looking online at some ideas for a shepherd, but I started seeing shepherd costumes in the Christmas...

28 December 2010

Gift Making

December 28, 2010
Well, Christmas has passed, but I'm still going to share about some easy teacher's gifts I made. I was blog hopping and came across a recipe for homemade sugar scrub that included ingredients that I already had in my kitchen!!  Sugar, brown sugar, olive oil and vanilla.  That's it! ...

23 December 2010

Not So Hairy

December 23, 2010
A hair cut was way overdue!  We moved 6 months ago and it was probably 2 months before that when my hair was cut.  Even longer since it had been highlighted.  However, my hesitation was trying to communicate the kind of cut and color I wanted in Spanish.  I had a neighbor offer to...

21 December 2010

Happy Birthday to My Hubby

December 21, 2010
It's hard to believe we are hitting the big 4-0!! Well he is!  I still have another few weeks and a year in my 30s!  Ha!  I feel 40 looming though.  Hitting 30 was not a big deal to me.  But I'm having a harder time with 40. When I hit 30 I always said "It's just a number! ...

16 December 2010

Am I A Servant Leader To My Kids?

December 16, 2010
  "Mom, can you get the ketchup?" "Mom, can you get my clothes?" "Mom, I need salt?" "Mom, I need more toilet paper!" "Mom, you didn't put my socks on right!" "Mom, you need to put my shoes on!" When my son said to me " YOU get my water." the other day I got to thinking about my role as...

13 December 2010

Christmas Tour of Homes

December 13, 2010
I'm joining in on two different Christmas Tour of Homes, Kelly's Korner and Nesting Place.  I love sharing Christmas in my home! Our eclectic tree! One day I'd like to have a more grown up, formal tree and make this our kid's tree.  But, right now apartment living in Spain doesn't...

09 December 2010

My Christmas Music List

December 09, 2010
The Lord sure uses music to speak to my heart and some Christmas songs do just that.  If you haven't heard "How Many Kings" by DownHere you MUST take the time to listen.  Wow, what a message woven into this song!  It's at the top of my list!  I found this interview with Kevin,...

05 December 2010

Sickness Wins

December 05, 2010
Our friends asked us to head to the mountains for some sledding on Saturday.  I was excited! We packed up for our day, being sure to pack some extra clothes and food.  I even spent time getting some thermoses together to have some hot drinks.  I was so proud of my self for thinking of...

03 December 2010


December 03, 2010
A few weeks ago my tutor, Marisa told me about the Spanish Christmas candy called turrón.  I was anxious to try it.  The next time I found myself at the store I got to looking for it.  I spotted a display and got to looking at all the different kinds.  There was white, milk, and...

01 December 2010

Solomon's Temple & Phineas and Ferb

December 01, 2010
We are officially addicted to Phineas & Ferb!  Ha! We love this show!  Fun for all the family!  To give you a little background, it is a cartoon on the Disney Channel about 2 brothers who every day they devise imaginative creations while their older sister is always trying to bust...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...