16 December 2010

Am I A Servant Leader To My Kids?

  "Mom, can you get the ketchup?"

"Mom, can you get my clothes?"

"Mom, I need salt?"

"Mom, I need more toilet paper!"

"Mom, you didn't put my socks on right!"

"Mom, you need to put my shoes on!"

When my son said to me " YOU get my water." the other day I got to thinking about my role as a mom.  How often I feel like a waitress or a maid or a taxi cab driver.

Just so you know, I didn't get his water.  I made him get it!

It is really important to me for my kids to learn independence.  Of course I'm going to help each of my kids when they need it, but when I KNOW they can do something I want to encourage them to do it.

But then I got to thinking about servanthood.  Am I being a servant to my children?  Honestly, that word makes me cringe sometimes, does it you?

Didn't Jesus show servant leadership?   Why yes, he did!

Wow!  Am I showing servant leadership to my kids??  I can honestly say "not always."  I probably come across as a tyrant most days when they talk back or do something they know they shouldn't do, like marking on the entertainment center, jumping off the bunk bed, peeing on the couch or using a ton of soap when washing their hands.

The Lord gave me a little lesson through my son.  The importance of being a servant to my children while teaching them to be respectful.  Does the respect not come from servant leadership?!  Hmmm, I guess it probably does.

Have I done a 180 and instantly changed?  Unfortunately, no.  What can I say, I'm a work in progress!  But it made an impression on me and with the Lord's help I can begin to work towards an attitude of servant leadership in my home.

Can I get an "Amen?!"


  1. I love how intentional and transparent you are, I personally think that makes you a wonderful mommy and a great leader to them. It isnt doing everything perfect, it is being aware and willing to learn. you are a wise woman

  2. Hey there, I found your blog on Gypsy Mama- we are IMB too- in Wales! Nice to "meet" you :)

  3. So glad I found your blog! I'm an ex-missionary (term ended-despite being a horrible missionary, we didn't get fired :) )from Spain. I miss it like crazy. Your blog posts on Spain can be my therapy.

  4. Just the other day I told (yelled at) my daughter, "Talia I am NOT your servant!". Some good food for thought, Tina.

  5. Great thoughts!
    There are some things my 8-year old daughter can do for herself that I choose to server her on (like make breakfast & lunch, sort and fold laundry).
    Each child has his/her own responsibilities (keeping their room clean, and their own stuff picked up). But then we serve each other by helping the little ones clean up their stuff, clean whole rooms together, clean up after every meal together, etc.)
    I think a good mix is fine! :)

    But yes, when it comes to things like getting a cup of water, something they can clearly (and easily) do for themselves, I am the same way! It's one thing if they are asking for assistance because they are engrossed in a project or something of that nature and are kindly asking for a "favor".

  6. very good points and so hard to remember in the heat of the moment...praying for all of us mama's to get servant hearts.

  7. when i left my career to stay at home a year and a half ago, i admit, i locked myself in the office and vowed not to come out for months! it was such a struggle to understand the servant heart of a mother and i am just now, so many months later, beginning to see the joy in it and i am praying for more faithfulness to be who God has called me as a mom.

    thank you for sharing this story.

  8. I was just thinking the other day how I often feel like a waitress around my kids. It's an interesting balance, isn't it? Thanks for the food for thought!


  9. Such a delicate balance. And FYI - I also come across as a tyrant a lot too...
    Blessings as He kneads that out of your parenting. Thankful for gentleness!!

  10. So true--I struggle sometimes to discern where the line is between being a servant leader to my kids and overindulging. I don't think I've always done the best job teaching them responsibility and independence because I don't want to appear that I'm being lazy or making them do my work. It's a great question!


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