12 March 2013

A Trip To See Seven Sisters

I've been itching to take a road trip and start seeing some of the beautiful sites that England has to offer!  We decide to head to Seven Sisters.
Beautiful white chalky cliffs that run along the English Channel in East Sussex.  About an hour and a half drive from us.
One of the many things we love to see in England, thatched roof cottages!
I hadn't done much research on Seven Sisters.  Just a little googling and found Seven Sisters Country Park.   We paid for 2 hours of parking and were on our way!
When we arrived we didn't realize we had quite a walk ahead of us.  In total (to the beach and back) we walked about 3 miles.  We were bookin' it to get back to the car in 2 hours!
The kids complained a bit, but they did have quite a bit of fun.

He was "king of the world!"

We got to see LOTS of sheep in the neighboring fields.

 This was one of the 2 brown/black sheep we saw in the field.

You can choose to go up to the top of the cliffs or to the beach.  We weren't ready to brave open cliffs (no railings whatsoever) with the kids, plus we wanted to SEE the cliffs, not be on top of them!
We had quite a muddy walk, I haven't bought my wellies (rain boots) yet and wish I'd had some!  Luckily, the kids had proper shoes!
We finally made it to the rocky beach to see this beautiful site!
Somehow we got a self portrait with five people and a cliff!  Ha!

After about 20 minutes we had to make our way back!

I love this photo of the kids on these old barriers!

I learned later that we should have continue past the cliffs to the east side.  The parking is closer and the  view is even better.  Next time!!


  1. Your first ,of hopefully many, iconic landmarks - good photo.

  2. Great pictures, Tina. I'll be adding the Seven Sisters to our must-see list.
    X Selena

  3. Awesomeness!!!! Do you have Mist on TV? After seeing the sheep and cliffs, I bet the kids would love this series! (You can order on Amazon, too.)

  4. Beautiful! Someday we'll have to come visit you. =)

  5. I love the thatched roof cottages too. So quaint. Love your pics. Looks like a wonderful day with your family (and the sheep -cute!)
    Looking forward to exploring England and I will let my husband know about Seven Sisters - hopefully we can visit it one day.

  6. I love the pic of you guys on the beach. So much fun!

  7. Ugh your pics are making me ache for England... I studied in London during college and LOVED every minute of it!!! We love your blog and our blog was nominated for a bloggy award called the Liebster... You may have heard of it... I had not but after some research realized that it's a virtual compliment ;) So per the rules of the game we wanted to spread the love and give your space a nod because well that's what you do I guess!
    Here's the link: http://sophandlulu.com/award-nod-liebster/

  8. Even the sheep look funny there! Loving exploring a new country with you. So, are we getting our picture tour of the new house once you are settled? :)


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