We packed up and hit the road for Little Rock, AR. Reegan had been sick for a few days and just wasn't getting better. That morning she complained of ear pain and had splotchy red spots all over her body. I knew it was time she get to a doctor.
Look at her poor little red nose!
We had about a 6 hour unplanned stay in Memphis (I was SO not happy with the wait at that clinic, but we got what we needed) getting us into Little Rock about 9. Much later than we hoped, but we about fell into bed. Jerry had a meeting all day and I had made plans to meet up with a friend I'd made through blogging. I walked out to our van. My phone rang, it was my mom. and I'd hardly said "hello" when I discovered our driver-side window was shattered in a bazillion pieces!! Karis lost it and started screaming.
I hung up with my mom and called Jerry, interrupting his meeting. I wasn't even sure he would pick up, but he did. My brain doesn't function well under stressful situations. He was and is usually my calm. I headed for the lobby to report the break-in learning the police had already come and taken a report. It's crazy to me that they didn't try to find a way to let us know!!
Hotels don't claim responsibility for theft on their property, so we were given no compensation. I was a bit miffed about that, but what can ya do?! They did send a guy out to help me clean it up. The workers were so kind!
We had a ton of stuff in our car. Snacks, souvenirs we'd picked up, travel pillows, jackets, trash! Do you know, not one thing was taken! We took all our valuables in with us, luckily!!!
You know what I did find other than little shards of glass spewed all over? BLOOD! Disgusting!!! This crazy guy must have busted the window with his hand!! Blood drops and smears all over. Brennan didn't even want to get in the car, my little germaphob! And so much for those security cameras they have mounted outside the hotel. It was a lesson learned!! NEVER park on the backside of a hotel. Always park by the front!!
I still wanted to meet up with my friend. I knew it would be good to get our minds off of the event. So we headed to Chick-fil-A.
Here is all our cute kiddos!!
Tara from Mrs Yellowhat found my blog through a link up we'd both been a part of. She was living in Ukraine and I'm not sure where we were at the time! Prague or Spain one. Ha! It's always fun to find other bloggers living overseas and can understand the ups and downs of living in another country.
They are now stationed in the Little Rock area. We had a blast, our kids had a blast and we did not want to go!!
I'm SO glad we got to meet up!! And we learned that their current pastor is friends of our froms seminary! Funny how paths cross!
The rest of the weekend we spent resting and playing. The hotel had a pool and the kids would have loved to spend all their time there. We also had some fun dinner outings to Chuck E. Cheese and Olive Garden. Sadly, I was not thinking of taking pictures during that time.
On Sunday we had a speaking engagement at the church of some friends. We met the Gambills the last time we were in the US living at the seminary in Fort Worth.
Our girls were fast friends! They even had a spontaneous sleep over Saturday night and the girls had a blast!!
We had a great time with them and with their church.
Luckily, most of the drama on our trip was past us. Nothing else big happened on the way home except for a disgruntled semi-truck driver who decided to play games with us. Scared us a bit, but we were ok.
We were SO glad to get home and put this trip behind us. It's just always unfortunate when the bad things that happen stick with you just as much or more as the fun stuff!
We had such a good time seeing so many people and we will remember that for a long time!