31 January 2010

The Sickies

 Why is it that we look forward to a fun outing or meeting up with a friend and that just happens to be the time that the sickies hit?!  I have friends that we have tried so many times to meet up only to have to cancel because one or the other of our kids is sick! 
I was really upset back in December when we had to miss a much anticipated Christmas party due to this very thing!!  I mean I was crushed for my kids.  I was absolutely devastated that they had to miss!

Karis was feeling somewhat bad yesterday.  Still playing as normal, but complaining of a soar throat.  We did get to have our friends over and attend a going away party for some colleagues returning to the US, but Karis missed church today and it is doubtful that tomorrow we will get to meet up with some of our friends who we missed getting together with a few weeks ago because they were sick!  I am so ready for the sickie season to end!!  Anyone else?!


  1. I'm sorry - I know that is a bummer! For us, here, the sick season (Spring) is just on it's way.
    Hang on! : )

  2. I hear you! Some member of my family has been sick with colds, except for a week here or there, since OCTOBER. That's WAY too long! I hope you're all back to normal soon!


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