30 December 2009

Sleep Training

I'm beginning to think "Why did we bother?!"  Ha!
Even before our kiddos came along I had already bought the Baby Wise books to begin my babies on an eat, wake, sleep cycle.
I knew so many people that had success with it and knew that we would use this method.
Karis was already on this schedule when she came to us from the orphanage.  So that was easy!
Obviously, Brennan & Reegan did not come trained, so we began the process. It took some time, but they were sleeping through the night around  3 months old.  We went on this cycle quite well until each of them turned 3 years old.
Then the night waking started.  Obviously it started with Karis when she was potty trained.  It seemed to go in cycles where it's for a few nights and then it stops.  She is now able to go to the bathroom by herself at night, but she does still come in our room from time to time for a bad dream or something else random.

It's been worse with Brennan.  The last few months we've had nights where he has come in up to FOUR TIMES during the night.  Argh!!  And unfortunately for me I am a light sleeper and have a hard time going back to sleep some nights.
After the third time last night I began thinking "Why did I spend all that time sleep training when I get woken up 3-4 times a night??"  And why don't they wake up their daddy, just me?!

The other day I finally asked Brennan why he didn't wake up daddy and he looked at me and said "Daddy is mean at night!"  Ha!  And it's true.  Jerry is a BEAR when it comes to being woken up in the middle of the night.  Talk about a crank!!  =P

Now I do have to say that they are alright with going to sleep.  Oh, except when they can't fall asleep right away and get out of their bed about 50 times (slight exaggeration there =P) or I find several boogers by the night light smeared on the wall, like I did a couple of days ago!!!  Double Argh!!

Like Karis, I hope we'll be passed this soon.   Of course by then it means we'll be on to something else or Reegan will take her position in the night waking spot.  Two down, one to go!!


  1. We did Baby Wise, too - - and still have some really great friends from the Birth Year form on that website!

    Sophi still isn't night potty trained - - still wears pullups to bed.

    We have the "stalling" - - every reason in the world to get up - "need a drink," "have to go potty," "forgot my baby," "forgot to give Papa a hug." I have started being the mean one . . . and it is working! Maybe you should give it a try, too? HA!


  2. Oh believe me! I am the mean one! =P Even so, daddy always gets further than I do! Quite frustrating sometimes how that works!!


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