30 December 2009

Sleep Training

December 30, 2009
I'm beginning to think "Why did we bother?!"  Ha! Even before our kiddos came along I had already bought the Baby Wise books to begin my babies on an eat, wake, sleep cycle. I knew so many people that had success with it and knew that we would use this method. Karis was already on this schedule...

22 December 2009

Christmas Photo Shoot

December 22, 2009
We had a lot of fun with our Christmas photo shoots this year.  First we went out on the town with some friends and took some family shots. I also wanted to get some shots of us at home.  I was VERY pleased with how they turned out! Merry Christmas from our home to ...

21 December 2009

Christmas Carp

December 21, 2009
A Czech ad for Vodafone, a cellular company in Europe. Czechs eat carp, a fish, for their Christmas meal.  In the "olden days" when turkey and ham were too expensive, the peasants started eating carp and now it is a national tradition.  Czech friends of mine have told me they don't even...

10 December 2009

I Just Knew...

December 10, 2009
I KNEW it was only a matter of time before we would be hit with this season's sickies! It was the strangest thing last night. We were getting ready for bed and Brennan let out the biggest sneeze I've ever seen (from him anyway). You know, those kind that leave you dazed and hurts your throat?! Ha! As...

06 December 2009

Missing Christmas in America

December 06, 2009
After spending 2 Christmas' in America, I am missing it somewhat this year. I know that Christmas is highly commercialized in America, but what I miss are all the events, the church Christmas specials, the Christmas parties and, not to mention, time with the family! We made some fun memories with the...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...