29 September 2013

Photo Challenge

September 29, 2013
I was so glad that Selena from Oh the Places We Will Go tagged me in the Capture the Colour Photo Blogging Challenge.  I had so much fun with this challenged and loved going through old photos to find just the right ones. The challenge is to post an image for each of the colors: red,...

27 September 2013

Peace in His Word

September 27, 2013
I love taking a stroll around Saint Mary's, The Parish Church of Horsham. It's the town's oldest existing building. The church, it's steeple, the setting around it...... The wooden beams,  and stained glass windows are all beautiful. But what captures my attention even more...

24 September 2013

Beach Huts

September 24, 2013
This is a bit of a repost to share with Travel Tuesday. I've become obsessed with beach huts since arriving in England.  While looking for some decor for our home, I stumbled upon this book. A great little read about the history of bathing machines and how beach huts came...

22 September 2013

The Dream of a Gondola

September 22, 2013
Since I can remember, I was a dreamer. My second childhood home was on a quiet cul-de-sac in front of a beautiful lake.  I spent much time sitting on our dock dreaming of growing up. My many day dreaming moments consisted of turning 18 (I find this funny now), dating, my wedding day,...

17 September 2013

Den Building in the Forest

September 17, 2013
What was before us was plain to see, an enchanting world all made from trees.....   "Who's house is it?" we asked inquisitively Squirrels? Butterflies? Birds or Bees? Could it be Pixies? Elves? Let's go see!  My guys had such a fun time den building with their...

16 September 2013

Expat to Expat Q & A

September 16, 2013
Happy Autumn Monday morning from England!  I'm linking up this morning to: We're answering 2 questions about our expat identity. How do you fit in to your new culture without losing some of your identity?  I've been around expats that felt you needed to completely immerse yourself...

13 September 2013

Creating a Lover of Travel

September 13, 2013
You know you're creating a lover of travel when you have a conversations such as this. Brennan comes into our room where I've got our sea glass collection from our beach travels.  Sitting with the glass is a tuft of seaweed from my girl's trip to Alghero, Italy last year.  Have you seen...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...