22 June 2013

21 June 2013

This is No Horsin' Around

Karis has had quite the love of horses for awhile now.  She had mentioned, before our move, about taking riding lessons and I just never figured we'd find it possible in our budget.  After moving into our house and meeting our neighbors, we learned from them of a lady who gives riding...

13 June 2013

Drawer Organizing

Since I haven't been blogging much lately, you might be wondering what I've been doing to keep myself busy!   Since we've done quite a bit of house hopping these last few years I feel I haven't had a chance to get our home organized or really decorated for that matter.  I'm committed to...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...