24 December 2011

Candy Cane Christmas

December 24, 2011
The Elementary students had their Christmas choir performance last week.  They did such a great job! It was called Candy Cane Christmas and it was really neat to see how they wove in the story of Jesus to the candy cane. Karis waiting to sing!  Waving to the parents (Reegan in the far...

The Best Wiener Schnitzel

December 24, 2011
We had some more friends living in Spain come to visit recently.  Zac, Leah & little Owen, who slept almost the entire time I was with them.  Ha! I have to backtrack a little and tell you how we met.  We were in Carrfour (something a kin to Target) browsing the bedding department...

20 December 2011

Cookies & Another Market

December 20, 2011
The kids had a day off recently and instead of wasting the day away I decided we should make cookies.  Kristi was wanting to do something that day, so we invited them over for cookie baking. I think I've expressed it before, but the reality of baking with my kids has turned out nothing like those...

16 December 2011

O Tannenbaum

December 16, 2011
Our little tree! Here we are, our first Christmas in Vienna! I've been wanting to clean out the Christmas stuff and start updating it a bit.  Moving across Europe seemed like a perfect time, so I got rid of a bunch of stuff when we moved this summer.  We've had the same basic tree decorations...

12 December 2011

The Weekend

December 12, 2011
Vienna houses one of the headquarters for the United Nations.  An annual event that the UN puts on is a bazaar.  There are booths of food and goods from around the world.  In our group that we went with we had food from Greece, Thailand, India and Indonesia!  And I guess we have...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...