26 November 2011

Rathaus Christmas Market

November 26, 2011
Crossing the Danube on the U-bahn, Vienna's metro system. A couple of weekends ago we decided to visit the Christmas market a the Rathaus. The Rathaus, or city hall of Vienna is quite a beautiful building! This is just the back of it.  Take a look at the front! One of the prettiest...

15 November 2011

Lovely Ladies

November 15, 2011
I had a great time hosting the IMB ladies in Vienna for a brunch at my house. I love to host and make my house pretty and have it clean for all of a couple of hours!  Ha! What a great group of ladies!We had a great time of getting to know each other by sharing our testimonies and how we met our...

11 November 2011


November 11, 2011
I was excited when my friend, Kristi, invited us to go to a Kürbisfest (Pumpkinfest) in the town of Obermarkersdorf. Let me start out by telling you a little bit about my friend, Kristi.  We actually met over a year ago, but not in the traditional sense.  We met as bloggers!  She's the...

08 November 2011

Wiener Naturhistorische Museum

November 08, 2011
I am not normally a museum kind of person.  Jerry could spend hours in a museum, reading every bit of information.  I, on the other hand, skim through and then go wait on a bench somewhere for Jerry.  Ha! The original plan was to go to the zoo, but it was too cold.  So, my friend...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...