26 October 2011

Schönbrunn Palace

October 26, 2011
Before school started we took a little excursion with some colleagues and our 6 kids! You can't start your day right without a trip to Starbucks first!  On our way to check out the gardens at Schönbrunn Palace.  Walking over the U-bahn tracks.  The u-bahn is Vienna's metro...

23 October 2011

A Bit of India in Vienna

October 23, 2011
Brennan and Reegan have a classmate that is from India.  We were invited to her birthday celebration a few weeks ago.  Yes, a few weeks ago.  Don't remind me how far behind I am in the blogging department!  Ha! Entertainment!  An Austrian duo. They gave the kids spinning...

09 October 2011

All Before 2

October 09, 2011
We get up. Eat breakfast. Watch some tv. The kids decide they don't want to watch tv, so I turn it to a channel of MY choice.  How often does that happen?! I turn it to Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Sob my eyes out as they make a new home for a Marine who fought in Iraq (who lost a limb) and his...

05 October 2011

Around Vienna and Slovakia?

October 05, 2011
My new friend and colleague, Christina, took my around town one day.  I should have taken a ton more pictures as she showed me some pretty cool things, but I get wrapped up in my surroundings and conversation that the pictures are forgotten. Here we are being silly on the u-bahn (Vienna's metro) Showing...

02 October 2011

Our Vienna Home part 2

October 02, 2011
I realized I didn't include a picture of the cellar/dungeon that we discovered last week.  The entrance to it anyway. The garden shed where the entrance is located. So, I finally took some pictures of the inside of our little place.  Come on in and take a look!The entryway.  This...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...