25 July 2011

The Big Move Week

I have been quite MIA lately.  We have been busy busy with purging, selling, purging some more and packing.  The movers come tomorrow to pack the last of it up.  We are so ready to be done with this part of it!  The traveling doesn't bother me one bit!  And the unpacking isn't...

11 July 2011

Leaving the USA

I had one more full day in Texas before heading back to Madrid.  My dad was staying with my brother, so my mom and I took the day to do a bit of downtown Granbury shopping.  It is a B&B capital complete with a beautiful city square dotted with all kinds of cute shops.  We headed...

10 July 2011

My Trip to the US of A!

After our great trip to the beach I had 6 days until I was off on my 9 day trip to the US.  I was on my way to a board meeting for the online Christian infertility ministry, Hannah's Prayer, which is also a non-profit organization.  As a non-profit organization, we had lots to do!! First...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...