09 May 2009

Voice Key Incorrect

Can I just say that Karis is one smart cookie and she can sure crack me up!!Now, I can’t say that Jerry & I speak Russian well, but every once in awhile when we think we can attempt a discussion around the kids in Russian, we go for it!  Especially when we don’t want them to know what we are...

06 May 2009

Back in Europe!

It’s funny how you can come back to a place and it feels like you never left or weren’t gone long at all!!  There are differences though.  We’ve had colleagues that have left, babies that have been added to families, kids that have grown, changes around the city, like a new Hard Rock Cafe...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...