30 March 2009

Karis now has a US passport!

March 30, 2009
I’m not sure we know what to do with ourselves!  Ha!  We’ve been working towards this for 16 months and WE’RE DONE!!! So, to give you a run down of our trip.  To get an appointment at the passport center, you either have to have a letter from your employer...

29 March 2009

Passport Update, Little Bump

March 29, 2009
We just got a letter from the National Passport Center today.  My parents address is our permanent address, so as my parents are preparing to leave for Greece on Monday (and hopefully a stop in Prague) they stop what they are doing to run the letter up to us. Turns...

27 March 2009

Crating 201

March 27, 2009
The crating is DONE!!  We got to the “dock” where they fill our crate.  I thought we would be doing it, but this company does it themselves, but has you watch to tell them  “yay or nay” on where they put things.  I only had to say “nay” to one placement.  I have 2 cherished...

26 March 2009

Crating 101

March 26, 2009
When we first left to move overseas in 1999 for Russia we were unable to crate. Then on our first stateside in 2002 we thought we had decided to crate only to later change our minds.  For some reason it seemed too complicated. Now that we have added 3 kids to the family & airlines allowing...

25 March 2009


March 25, 2009
Well, the BIG day finally came!!!  Today Karis became a US citizen!!  We didn’t actually get to participate in a ceremony.  There was a little mix up in the day, but they decided to give us the certificate since we were there. Both sets of grandparents joined us as well as our good...

21 March 2009

March 21, 2009
Looks like we will be on our way back to Prague soon!! This has been a great, but very long time stateside!!  We've had a great time with family, made some great friends, eaten WAY too much American food. Ha!!  But, it is finally time for us to return. What was suppose to be a stateside...

16 March 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

March 16, 2009
We should be enjoying that Spring is right around the corner, but no.  Our house is filled with sickness!!  I thought we were going to escape some of it for this season, but I guess not.  It decides to hit all at once & off and on over several weeks!! This newest round started...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...