16 November 2008

Crazy, scary, fun week all wrapped up in one

November 16, 2008
I’m just glad I can say that I am on THIS side of the last several days!!  Saturday the 8th we headed to Houston for a speaking engagement.  Right before we headed out my parents told me that my dad had an abnormal EKG and that he would have a heart cath on Monday.  Of course I was...

05 November 2008

"I Want a Hippo's Behind!"

November 05, 2008
That’s what Karis asked when I was doling out vitamins!  They can only have a half of these animal vitamins that we have and that is what she asked for.....the behind of a hippo!!  Ha! It is always so fun when they are learning to talk!!  I am constantly laughing at the things Karis says...

03 November 2008

Fall Festival

November 03, 2008
We went to a local church Fall Festival on Friday and the kids, of course, had a blast!!  They LOVE bounce houses and had a great time in those as well as trunk or treat where they got much more candy then they are use to seeing!!!  It was a fun time! We dressed them up in some Indian...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...