30 September 2008

I Hate it When She Sleeps

September 30, 2008
Sounds like a contradiction to what most moms are saying, eh?  Most often you hear mamas saying ”sleep will ya?!  But Karis is no longer a napper, hasn’t been for about a year now.  So we moved on to “quiet time.” I can’t say that she is truly quiet. ...

29 September 2008

"Does Lauren Ride a School Bus?"

September 29, 2008
 The kids love any mode of transportation.....a policeman car (that’s what Karis calls it), airplanes, trains (which they have to go watch any time they hear one going by), buses, and just about anything. Well, since we live on a seminary campus we have lots of adult...

23 September 2008

Oh Great Pumpkin, Where are You?

September 23, 2008
I absolutely LOVE this time of year when Summer comes to an end and Fall begins.  Yesterday was officially the first day of Fall, although it is hard to believe when it is 88 degrees outside in sunny Forth Worth, TX.  Regardless, I am READY to bring on the Fall season!!  To me, it is...

19 September 2008

Botanical Gardens

September 19, 2008
Thursday we were off to the Botanic Gardens.  We had a good time just walking around the grounds and taking some pictures of the kids in this beautiful setting.  Our neighbor & friend, Lauren tagged along with us to help take some pictures!    I...

18 September 2008

Fossil Rim

September 18, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa (my parents) have been wanting to take the kids to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center.  It is a drive through safari/zoo and you can feed the animals from your car.  With the change in our plans we thought this would be a good time to go.  We had another day of great...

17 September 2008

Fort Worth Mini Train

September 17, 2008
Fort Worth has a mini train that runs through the Trinity Park area.  I’ve been wanting to take the kids for quite some time, so what better way to fill in our vacation time than a ride on a train!!  Brennan loves all things moving!!  Any time he hears the trains on the track near our...

16 September 2008

Our "Vacation" Week

September 16, 2008
 As you may have guessed, we were not able to go on our beach vacation to Crystal Beach, TX, just outside of Galveston.  Saturday, after Ike hit, I scoured the internet all day looking for information on that area.  Little coverage was given to the Bolivar Peninsula, which was actually...

11 September 2008

A "Butstrating" Day

September 11, 2008
Of course we have memories of 7 years ago and the happenings of that day.  We’ve just had a doozy of a morning.  It started out with Reegan being closed in Karis’ room.  She was crying so hard and was so scared....she is my sensitive one.  I felt so...

08 September 2008

"Anna is Adopted"

September 08, 2008
I overheard Karis recently tell Reegan that Anna was adopted (her Build-A-Bear).  I realized she is at that age to begin understanding what adoption is.  We’ve had a few opportunities to talk about her adoption and how Brennan & Reegan were in my tummy, but that she grew in someone else’s...

05 September 2008

New Mexico

September 05, 2008
We made a very fast and furious trip to Albuquerque to visit my grandmother.  I wanted her to meet my kids, especially not knowing when we would be able to get back. We enjoyed a trip up the tramway to the top of Sandia's Peak.   Four generatio...
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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...