11 November 2010

November: National Adoption Month

Adoption is near and dear to my heart.  So I felt compelled to join in on mentioning that it is National Adoption Month.

We adopted our daughter when she was 5 months old from a Czech orphanage while living in Prague, Czech Republic.  God has bless our family in so many ways because of adoption.

Czechs tried to discourage us from adopting a Roma (also known as Gypsy) child.  During our process we were told that a Roma child would most likely love to sing and dance, be defiant and try to run away when they reached the teenage years.

I beg to differ.  Well, she does like to sing and dance!  Ha!

 When a psychologist told us this very thing I wanted to pipe up and say "What about a loving Christ-centered home with constructive discipline??  My hubby discouraged me from saying anything and we decided to use the nod and smile approach.  That was one of those times it was hard to bite my tongue.

The orphanage she came from was a good one and took very good care of her and the other babies.  We were so impressed with what we saw.  You could tell that it wasn't a front.  It was noticeable in the faces of these babies.  They were loved by their caregivers.

Karis had a very independent nature early on.  And quickly it became evident that this was a strong-willed child.  I had no idea what to do with one of those!  Ha!
 Seeking the Lord and LOTS of chocolate (hee hee) we're making our way through.  It hasn't been easy and there have been moments of tears for everyone, but in her short life she has endured a lot!  Lots of changes, lots of languages around her, several different places we've called "home."  So I can't really blame her!  But oh, the stories she'll be able to tell and the experiences she's had!! 

 Through difficult times I have often thought back to what that psychologist told us.  Maybe there is something to say for the Roma gene running deep?  But ya know, it really doesn't matter where her strong-willedness comes from.  Hey, there are plenty of biologically born children out there that are strong-willed!  The fact is, she is a child of God.

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
All that to say, I wouldn't change a thing!  God knew what He was doing when He knit us together as a family!
If you are considering adoption or have adopted, I'd love to hear your stories!  Please leave a comment or send me an email!  I'd love to hear how adoption has changed your life!!


  1. Lovely post! What a beautiful daughter you have--God knew exactly where she belonged!

  2. Karis is just gorgeous. I think a strong-willed child usually means a strong child of God, one who won't be passive about their faith.

    Can't wait for ours to come home!

  3. We still talk about adoption...after we lost our baby last August we really visited the possibility, but when we got pregnant again so soon afterwards we put it off for a season. Who knows what God has in store? I love that little Gypsy of yours!!! Sweet, sweet girl! What fun to see God's gracious hand in your precious family.

  4. Tina
    I absolutely LOVE that post! Beautifully written, and those photos of Karis are priceless!


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