09 November 2010


I've been thinking a lot about this word lately, especially with our recent move.   My perspective on life and the world around me is going to be so different from the next person.  So many things will contribute to each one's perspective.  Where they've lived, experiences they've had, things they've heard or been told, the Lord in their life and how He has spoken to them

Our perspective: we have found the Spanish people to be warm, friendly, and patient and the country being more like home than anywhere we lived (besides the US, of course).  But that is our perspective.  Other Americans we've met haven't had the same experience of friendly neighbors or kind cashiers (ok, not ALL our neighbors or cashiers have been friendly! Ha!) or they don't find the culture to be easy.  And that is there perspective.

The other day when I was reading through facebook.  I came across an ad about Prague.  It made my heart pitter patter a bit and I had to take a look.  What I found was a blog for people looking to visit Prague.  The blog writer wrote a post featuring top 10 signs that you're in Prague.  He featured things like the Czechs love of baking with poppy seeds, leaving your shoes at the doorstep, how carp is eaten for the Christmas meal, Easter traditions, knights on the metro on their way to a medieval reenactment.  My personal favorite,

men wearing socks with sandals.
This is a funny site I came across while researching this post.  Men with socks and sandals, a whole site of it!  Cracked me up!

My perspective in Prague...it has to be dark socks, not light ones mind you, but dark socks with sandals.  Then add a pair of men's capris to that!  Now that's a look!  Ha!

One of his top 10s however, was way off from my perspective.  That is tram etiquette.  This man wrote
"Nowhere else I’ve seen people so promptly give up their seats to elders or disabled people; and I’m not talking just about the reserved seats assigned to them. But what happens quite often is that, even with no disabled in sight, on a full tram, most would hesitate to sit on a free seat, failing to realize that it might even save everybody some space."


Ha Ha!!

I HIGHLY disagree with this perspective!!  I guess he was never on the trams I road!!  Typically I saw people clamoring for a seat!!  And he sure wasn't on the tram I got on a few years ago, hugely pregnant and NO ONE would get up to let me sit down until I somewhat loudly said to a row of people "Prosim!"  (that's please in Czech).  And did I mention the woman who just about pushed me over to get to one of those seats and then wouldn't even look at me when I said anything or at all for the rest of the ride, for that matter??!!

I'm jabbing fun a bit (at the writer anyway, not about my tram experience while pregnant, that really happened).  Most people do let the elderly have a seat, however, I've seen some that didn't.  And most people did not get up for a pregnant woman.  Again, my perspective though.

We all are going to have different perspectives.  I think the important thing to remember is that we don't see our perspective as superior to others.   Are we being a witness when sharing our perspective?

I guess I need to adhere to what I preach because in this situation I think my perspective is correct over this article writer!!  Hee hee!

1 comment:

  1. I love this quote in your post "I think the important thing to remember is that we don't see our perspective as superior to others"
    Thanks for the reminder!

    Thanks for stopping by my SITS Day yesterday!


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