14 October 2014

Prague Castle's Stag Moat

 You might know that I like to get off the beaten path.

The Prague Castle has some of it's own nooks where you can do just that. It is surrounded by gardens, a vineyard as well as a moat.

The Stag Moat (Jelení Příkop), is a natural ravine of the Brusnice stream, running alongside the castle.  Breeding of deer took place in this area in the 17th century, thus the name. 

Just steps away from the side entrance of the castle near the tram stop, can take you from the bustling tourist crowds to beautiful, quiet surroundings where you may only see another person or two.

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

Spires of St. Vitas Cathedral peeking through the trees.

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

The stream runs below you as you walk through the tunnel.

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

Daliborka Tower of the Prague Castle.

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

You can exit the way you came or through a tiny little path taking you back down to the Malostranska metro.

My friend, Mary Ann and I exited near the metro on this particular journey.

Prague, castle, moat, travel, Czech Republic, Prague Castle, jelení příkop

If you want to visit the moat this year, you'll have to hurry.  It's only open until October 31.  It will reopen April 1st.

The perspective of the castle, the beauty of the landscape and it's quiet location in the midst of the city make this walk so worth it!!

Have you visited the moat or like to get off the beaten path?

Linking up again with BonnieCamilaJessi, and Amy for Travel Tuesday.


  1. I might can make it before it closes!! Yay!!

  2. I really like both, I think - I love seeing major tourists sights, but I also like getting away from the crowds, too. That's why we like visiting a park in every city we go to. They're normally pretty quiet and remote, at least in comparison to the rest of our surroundings. :)

  3. That is actually gorgeous! Very picturesque - it looks like the perfect place for a peaceful walk and I love that you can see the spires and stuff in the background as well!

  4. This looks so neat! Can you hear the stream below you? x

  5. Yes, the stream is tiny, but you hear this faint trickle below you.

  6. Yes it is. I lived there for 9 years, so it has a very special place in my heart!

  7. What a cool find! Thanks for sharing!

  8. that tunnel is insane! you have the coolest adventures Tina!

  9. Wow how cool! I'm visiting Prague next month so unfortunately will miss the tunnel this time. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I can honestly say I've never seen a moat in person. It looks like an incredibly peaceful and relaxing place.


  11. I also love exploring not-very-well-known places. This looks so peaceful and beautiful!

  12. This looks lovely, TIna... I had no idea it existed! Not sure I'll be able to make it there before the end of the month, but there is always the spring :) Thanks for the tips! I too love getting off the "beaten path".

  13. This post comes at the perfect time. Headed there in two weeks, just in time to see the moat before it closes!

  14. You can gaze down at it from a bridge above to catch a glimpse. :)

  15. Very much so. It's so peaceful and quiet since it's not a main place to visit at the castle.

  16. I love exploring hidden places equal to visiting the touristy ones.

  17. I hope you make it there sometime! It definitely is lovely!

  18. I wanted to say "thanks again" for recommending the Stag Moat! I went there a couple days ago on a beautiful autumn morning, similar to how it looks in your photos. Now I feel like I know the Hradcany area much better :)

  19. You are so welcome!! That is great!! I'm glad you got to go before it closed!!! =)


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