16 December 2011

O Tannenbaum

Our little tree!
Here we are, our first Christmas in Vienna!
I've been wanting to clean out the Christmas stuff and start updating it a bit.  Moving across Europe seemed like a perfect time, so I got rid of a bunch of stuff when we moved this summer.  We've had the same basic tree decorations for 17 years.  They have gone across Europe with us!

My dream is to get a second tree and make it a more grown up tree and let our kids have our current tree and decorations.  We're just not where we can do that right now.  The thing I have to remember is that the kids LOVE our tree and the decorations.  So it's really not about mama having a pretty grown up tree.

My tree just wasn't quite how I wanted it though.  We moved with 3 strands of lights.  One wasn't working when I pulled them out this season and the other 2 were looking like they didn't have much more life in them.  One was a different shade of white than the other, but I went ahead and strung them anyway. 

A few days later, wouldn't ya know, a second strand already strung on the tree went out!  Argh!  I went on a hunt through the city to locate some lights that weren't going to break us.  Lights here can be expensive!!  Luckily I found some.  I wasn't looking forward to stripping the tree and starting from scratch again, but that's what had to be done.

I had decided in November that I wanted a new tree skirt and I wanted to make this no sew ruffled one I found on pinterest.  I even found a fabric store and bought fabric!

I had already begun the process of cutting strips of fabric and was testing using the glue gun and fabric on an extra piece.  I learned it was going to take me FOREVER.  I am a novice at this stuff and can not whip up a project like the experts.  So, the idea for a ruffled tree skirt got put off.  Until I started restringing my lights and I decided to make a tree garland instead, also found on pinterest.

I had bought some burlap for another project (pinterest is inspiring me!) and decided to mix it with the white cotton strips I had cut.

It still took me several hours spread across a few days, as well as another trip to the fabric store.  I wanted it really long!  But I am in LOVE with it!

 All the ornaments were put back on.

 I found Spiderman one day.  Maybe he was trying to save a snowman or an elf or something. =)

I was so excited when I found these little chalkboard plates.  I had hoped I'd find something to do with them around the house (I still plan to) when I thought they would be a great addition to the tree. 

 You can also see our newest ornament of Vienna up there.

I love this little cabinet.  The next best thing to a mantel.  My hubby drew the little drawing on the chalkboard sign.  I love it!  It's hard to see, but it's a little girl skating on a pond.
That's not everything, but that's all I got around to photographing this year.

And I can't forget to include my little helpers!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

I am linking up with Kelly's Korner & The Nester!


  1. I am the same way. We have a huge tree, COVERED in kid ornaments, and I wouldn't change it. One day, I want a "Mom" tree in a different room with all my pretty snowflakes and doves and white lights...but for now, they are packed safely away in a box. For now, we only have room for one tree, so kid tree it is!

  2. I love your new header on your blog! It's a great picture of you all!!

  3. Pretty!! We had to pay $20/strand last year! It just hurts, but what else can one do when the nearest Target is an ocean away?! {and well, theirs wouldn't work anyway for us, would they?!} I'm with you on the need to change up- I got rid of a bunch before coming over here, said I'd make do for 2 years and then will leave a lot for my Ukrainian friend.

  4. LOVE it!!! I am with you - want the "grown up" tree but just going to have to wait. My goal this year is to snatch some new decorations at after Christmas sales - we'll see how well that works! I also LOVE the picture of the Barnwells!!! Merry Christmas to you!!!

  5. What a sweet family picture. I love the burlap garland you made. (I may have to try my hand at it next year.)


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