20 December 2011

Cookies & Another Market

The kids had a day off recently and instead of wasting the day away I decided we should make cookies.  Kristi was wanting to do something that day, so we invited them over for cookie baking.

I think I've expressed it before, but the reality of baking with my kids has turned out nothing like those dreams I use to have before kids came along!  Ha!  I pictured myself this calm mom who doesn't mind flour all over her kitchen or a sticky table.  Unfortunately, I am not that mama.  I got a little stressed about them rolling out the dough.  I look back on it and I think "Why did I get so stressed? It's only cookies!" It is something to do with the rolling where I just about lost it, because I could care less how messy they looked after adding the frosting.  Luckily, we all survived!

Kristi wanted to check out the Christmas market at the Schloss Hof.  It's located near the Slovakia border.  We left the hubbies and kids behind and made it a girl's outing.

The place was beautifully decorated. I would love to have seen it at night.

 A purple tree!
 The grounds were beautiful!

 So was the inside!

 This is just some of the animals we saw.

 I loved the clock on this building.

 pumpkin spread open face sandwich and fresh, homemade chips!  Yum!
 White donkeys

I bet all these vines are gorgeous in the summer!


Shetland ponies.  What you don't see is what happened right after this picture.  That little pony decided to try and take a bite out of my coat sleeve!

 Kristi showing off her Christmas Market mug.

 My blog friend has turned into a true friend!  Aren't we cute?!

 Several of the castles have kids museums where kids can try on period costumes.  We've got to do that!

 Who doesn't love a cute pond with a boat in it?!

 It's been fun to see more of Austria!

1 comment:

  1. I can SO relate to the cookie experience! Tried that the other day with my kiddos and also got a tad stressed! Ha ha! Glad you have a "in life" friend!!! What a fun Mommy outing!!!


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