18 April 2011

Lettin' You Know

I've been holding out on you.

I hope you'll forgive me.

But the time has come where I can give the details!

You know that little trip to Vienna?

It wasn't just a girl's getaway, but a site visit....

To move there!

I'm going to have to get use to colder weather again.

This has been a topic that's been discussed for the last 6 months.

It finally became official.

We had NO IDEA when we moved to Spain that this would EVER be a possibility.

And now it is.  We will be relocating to Vienna, Austria at the end of the summer along with the rest of our team.

It is a bittersweet move.  Really sad to leave Spain, but excited to live in the same city as our team members.

I'll be sharing more in the days and weeks to come, so stay tuned!

And prayers for making a move for our family of 5 and our team of 5 families would be greatly appreciated!

Aww man, and MissyMom in Madrid had a great ring to it!   Time for a new title!  Ideas welcomed!


  1. You. Are. Amazing.

    It has to be God in you, because there is no other way that a woman could move around so much, make such an effort to fit in to her local community, learn the language, only to leave again. And still sound cheerful about it. You truely are a witness to me.

    And I will be praying for you in those moments over the next few weeks when you don't feel so great about it all!

    What language is it this time?

    Missymon on the Move?

  2. WOW!!! How exciting...can't wait to hear more and we will definitely be praying with you all about this! You are getting to live in so many exciting places!!!

  3. Then next spring we'll have to try to meet- we're already talking about this same conference next year So excited for you!

  4. Wow such amazing news. That's wonderful. Sad to leave Spain I am sure, but Vienna. Wow. I hope your move will be a blessing to your family and the other team members that are there.

  5. Exciting! Can't wait to see photos of Vienna. Hope all goes well.

  6. MissyMom Moves

    Since somehow I don't think this will be your last move. :)

  7. Wow!! Praying for you and your family as you wrap up your time in Madrid. How very exciting!


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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...