08 February 2011

Bedtime Bonanza

We've got the normal evening schedule.  Eat dinner, take baths, brush teeth, read Bible Story, say a prayer, watch Little Bear, flip on daddy's legs and go to bed.
What was that second to last one, you ask?  Why yes, flip on daddy's legs.  It goes something like this.

What form!

 Look at that technique!


  Way to hang on, B!



  1. oh how adorable! what a fun (and unique!) routine!

  2. How sweet! I love it - Joel used to do things like that with our kids but now they just tackle HIM! LOL

  3. That is a crack up! Love the action shots taken in the midst of the flip!!

  4. Ha ha ha!! That is awesome, Tina! Those will be great memories to share with them someday. :)

  5. Okay, that looks like so much fun! What great pics!!


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