30 January 2011

Spain, Do We Not Agree With You?

Weekly Jerry and I mention how much we have been blessed in Spain.   How much we love it here and love our neighbors, our school, teachers, other moms, our landlord.  And that's even with our limited Spanish!

Then I started thinking about how much we have been sick.  Ok, so maybe Spain isn't as excited about us as we are about it?!  Ha!!

I've tried to spare you of our sickness woes because who wants to read about a bunch of sick people!
I've mentioned it some, but I thought I'd give you a little run down of our sick season!  Good grief!  

This is our reality lately

Karis 2
Reegan 2
Brennan 1

Brennan 3
Karis 1
Reegan 1

Reegan 1

Brennan 1
Tina 2
Jerry 1

eye enfection
Tina 1

fevers & coughs
Ugh, too numerous to count

Our doctor says we've got 6 months to a year of this.  New place, new germs, first time in school.  We went about 1 week recently without sickness.  One week!  Spain, I hope we can soon come to a mutual love/love relationship!  Heh, heh!

We could sure use your prayers!

I've been asked about the camera situation (thanks for reminding me Renee Ann =).  We submitted a claim to our insurance.  A week later we were questioned more about it and I got a little scared thinking they might deny us seeing as it was our mistake.  But they wrote back and said they would start processing!  I'm so ready to get a new camera.  I'm already a little embarrassed tired of fuzzy pictures!

Have you ever had so much sickness you just wanted to cry?!


  1. That is a LOT of sickness Tina. We will be praying that it goes away SOONER than later! Going to place you on our church prayer list too - Get rest and get well!

  2. Oh my goodness I didn't realize the extent of your sickness! Lifting you up in prayer!!!

  3. Shannae was well for a total of about 4 weeks between the ages of 4 months and 18 months. Not fun. But that was only one kid. Can't imagine doing it with 3! Praying for you Tina

  4. Wow-that's tough. I think there are seasons like this sometimes but hopefully you're over the worst of it.

    Take care!

  5. Sending you hugs, well, wishes, and prayers that the new germs of the new environment cease to take interest in your family, and leave you healthy, happy and full of energy for the duration of your stay in lovely Spain!

  6. Praying for your family to get well soon.

    Love the new look of your blog :)


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