23 December 2010

Not So Hairy

A hair cut was way overdue!  We moved 6 months ago and it was probably 2 months before that when my hair was cut.  Even longer since it had been highlighted.  However, my hesitation was trying to communicate the kind of cut and color I wanted in Spanish.  I had a neighbor offer to go with me, but I really didn't want to inconvenience her.  So I put it off some more.  I finally decided I was going to google "English speaking hairdressers, Madrid."   And I found someone!

I found a guy and a lady, both that come to your home to do it.  That was a huge plus!  I opted for the lady since I never knew if I might be home alone come appointment time and really didn't want the awkwardness that might be present, so I emailed Sally.  

Karis was in desperate need of a cut and I decided to get Reegan's cut too.  

And again, HUGE bonus that she is a traveling hairdresser and I didn't have to go to a salon!  And, oh yeah, I got to speak English!  Maybe a little more pricey, but well worth it for me in more ways than one.

It is a bit short, but it is growing on me (ha, no pun intended)!  And I know it will grow.  Otherwise, the cut is just what I wanted.


  1. Cute cut! And a traveling, English-speaking hairdresser? Send her to Istanbul! I haven't had my hair cut in 6 months either...

    How do you get the "You might also like:" things at the bottom of your post? I've never been able to figure it out.

  2. Super cute cuts! Bonus that she comes to your house AND speaks English!!! Hooray for Google!!

  3. Beginning of August was my last cut...it's getting time and I'm dreading it! You look darling!

  4. I LOVE it!!! I haven't had mine cut since May - definitely needs it too! I am aiming to get that done in January...Love the girls as well! That is SO cool that she came to your house!

  5. Cute new style for the beginning of a new year!

  6. Your hair looks great!! I wonder if they have traveling hair stylists in Fort Worth???? So glad to keep up with you via twitter and your blog posts!


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