29 April 2010

NIAW 2010

 Before the week gets away from me and being on the BOD of a Christian infertility ministry, Hannah's Prayer, I wanted to mention National Infertility Awareness Week.  Did you know that infertility is a disease that affects over 7.3 million Americans?  And yes, it's a disease.  So many would think of infertility as a condition or misfortune, but it is a disease.
If you haven't read our story Path to Parenthood, I encourage you to do so.
Infertility is one of those diseases that I think is often overlooked by our society.  Many times people do not know how to relate or handle the grief of one who is in the midst of infertility or miscarriage.  One may not realize, but the affects of infertility are much like someone who has lost a loved one.  I know, it may be hard to understand, but it is so true.  It's the death of a dream.  I've known many ladies to experience depression and find it difficult to go on.  I did struggle with some minor depression and even struggled with my call to missions at one point, ready to pack up and go home.
The Lord saw to answer our prayers for a child, not just one but three in 8 months.  Ha!

What you may also be interested in knowing is that infertility doesn't just stop there.  For a good majority of ladies that do go on to hold that dream child in their arms they continue to experience feelings of infertility.  I am one of them!  Not to the extent of some others that I know, but seeing someone with several children or even a pregnant belly can still be difficult or uncomfortable for me.   Infertility will always be a part of me, who I am and how I view life.

I just ask that anyone reading this who has never experienced infertility or loss to please be considered of those who have or are in the midst.  Saying things like "just relax" or "it's in God's hands" are not helpful and are things that the infertile already know.  The best response would be "I'm so sorry" or "I'm praying for you." or "How can I support you during this time?"
Infertility can be such a lonely road when you are living in a fertile world, where people don't understand.  Couples tend to draw within themselves and some can't even find support among their family, closest friends or even their church.  Do you know how many couples pull away from church because they find it to be a place of hurt?  Have you ever thought about birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and I can't forget to mention Mother's Day and Father's Day and how extremely difficult these holidays can be?  They are excruciating.

Ok, I don't want to seem like I'm on my soap box, but I sure have a passion for educating the world on the disease of infertility.  I hope you'll stop and think about it the next time you encounter someone struggling in this area.  I am so thankful to those (of some of you!) that not having experienced infertility and you still found a way to reach out, to put yourself in my shoes and encourage me in the difficult times!  You are and were a blessing to me!!  I encourage you to be that for someone!

I'd love to hear from any of you who are or have struggled with infertility and how God has brought you through that valley.


  1. Look at those sweet faces!!!!!!!

  2. Your children are absolutely stunning! I really liked this post.

    Late last year, I felt a mass in my stomach. After many doctors visits with many different doctors it was decided I would need to have it removed but it would likely mean a hysterectomy. The surgery was performed exactly one month after my 36th birthday and did end up requiring the hysterectomy. I thank God though that three years ago He gave me my son, Matthew. Matthew is adopted and I am so grateful to know that I will never have to look at him and wonder if I chose adoption because I had no other choice. God bless you and your beautiful family!

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns


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