27 March 2010

Zoo Praha

Some homeschooling mom friends decided to take a trip to the zoo and extended the invitation.  That was on our to do list for some vacation time the hubby is taking this next week.  It's fun to go with other people, but also exhausting when you've got so many kids, mine being the littlest, and running in all kinds of directions and hoping praying they are with someone.
When we went through training to come overseas we took a trip with several families one weekend and I was the one to organize the trip.  Everyone kept calling me the "camp counselor."  I like to make sure that everyone is taken care of and not left behind.  I also have everything needed in my purse in case of an accident or a spill.  And that was before my kids came along!!
It has definitely extended to my kiddos.  I like to know where they are at ALL times and I get my "knickers in a twist" (love that British phrase!) if they are out of site for longer than 5 seconds.  But this is one area that I don't mind being overly cautious!
I got a little nostalgic thinking back to the first time we brought them to the zoo.  Look at them!  They were so little!

That was in October of 2007!  Wow!  Right before we headed back to the States for our stateside assignment (furlough).
And here they are now!

There were these crazy monkeys that we were watching.  Jerry was taking all kinds of pics.  And this guy looks right at him and smiles for the camera!

Is that not hilarious?!

Other zoo animals

All our monkeys kids posing.

Our kids always like looking in the zoo gift shop and try their hardest to talk us into buying something.  We walked away with some lapel pins!  We really didn't want to buy anything unless it had the zoo name on it!  And they didn't have much, not for kids anyway.  But while perusing, look at what the hubby found!

A calendar about animal poop!  My hubby has had some hilarious photo ops with pooping animals (and it would take me too long to go digging for them, so just take my word!).  This calendar was so appropriate!  This will probably grace his desk long past 2010!! 

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  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...