01 December 2014

Hello Monday, Hello Tour Through Blogland

This week's Hello Monday is a tour through blogland.  Amy and the Great World nominated me to join in.  Answer a few questions, feature a few of my favorite people in blogland and there you have it.  Both of which you can find if you read on!  Here goes!

What am I working on?
In addition to sharing new content, I've been going back over old photos and blogging about some of our experiences that I never documented.  It is time consuming, but rewarding too.

How does my work differ from others in it's genre?
I'm in no way an expert, but I think and hope I have a unique perspective of having been an expat for 15 years and in 5 very different European countries.  I came overseas a young married 20-something.  We've spent the majority of our adult and married life in Europe and seen so much change.  Living without cell phones and only having dial up internet in the beginning, watching the twin towers fall while living in Prague and watching the Czechs rally around America.  Infertility, adoption and a twin pregnancy in a Czech hospital, sending my English speaking kids off to their first school experience in a Spanish speaking school.  We've had some great experiences and some not so great, but that's what makes up our story.

Why do I write/create the way I do?
I'm not a writer and was never a journaler.  I like simple.  I don't write a lot of words and I probably share way too many photos!  For me, blogging is about sharing the experience.  Whatever and wherever it may be.  I love to share our travels, our expat life and fun and quirky experiences along the way.  

How does my writing/creating process work?  
My dirty little secret?  I am SO unorganized!  From getting the day to day stuff done to blogging.  I blog when I have content ready. I'm trying to do better at that with the start of my Hello Monday posts, an occasional Travel Tuesday and then a project/food/expat post later in the week when time permits.  Family life keeps me quite busy, so it's difficult to follow a plan.

And now featuring a few of my favorite bloggers in blogland!!

V from Life+1

Hi there! I’m a travel addicted lifestyle blogger. You can call me V. I love to write about and photograph the halcyon and crazy moments in life. From my life as a repat, to exploring the world and finding myself in the process, my bliss is quite varied. I love to photograph the world around me and consider my blog a brilliant little time capsule of my life. You can read more about me here. I hope you join me along the way at my blog, Life+1

You will want to return to time and again to see V's beautiful photos and great adventures.  I hope you'll check out her blog!!

Tammy from My Journey

Hello! My name is Tammy. I'm currently living a non-stop Merry-Go-Round ride here in Austin, Texas. Why? Because I am preparing to take a year long sabbatical this summer. My kids and I will travel England and parts of Europe starting in June 2015 after I finish my online Bachelors in Environmental Science. Why travel for a year? Well... Why not? As we travel I will volunteer with WWOOF and other agencies that allow a 13 year old son and 10 year old daughter to be in tow. We will also house-sit here and there. My main goal is to share diversity and travel with my children, to show them that there is life outside of our fast paced, technology ridden American society. I want to teach my children to slow down and enjoy the history and the world around them. I hope to land a job in England while I'm about in Europe, but we will see what God has in store. Meanwhile... I work, and study... and save every penny! 

Tammy is one busy mama!  And the sweetest gal you can imagine!!  I had the privilege of meeting up with her in London and loved getting to know her!  She even brought me mac & cheese from America!!  She's a gem!!

Alison from Chino House

I am a born and bred Arkansan who lives in Scotland, where I'm learning to walk everywhere and to live with tiny appliances. I love hiking the Scottish Highlands with my husband and kids on the weekends. Read about my adventures on my food and travel blog, Chino House or follow me on Instagram

Alison is another lovely lady that I've had the joy of meeting, even gave her a place to sleep on one of her trips in London!  She takes some incredible excursion with her beautiful family!!  You definitely need to check out her blog!!

Sarah from The Wanderblogger

Hi, I'm Sarah, a Nashville girl transplanted in London for the next few years with my husband and daughter. I've had a passion for travel ever since my first expat experience in Singapore in 1997. Discovering new places and cultures through experiences, history, and good food are my main priorities when traveling. I like to travel slowly and deliberately, taking my time to fully experience everything a new place has to offer. The Wanderblogger is my little home on the internet with tales of our adventures in London and abroad! Come say hi!

Sarah is another sweet lady that I've had the joy of chatting with several times at various London Blogger Teas and other meet ups.  A sweet little family, great information and beautiful photography are some of the things you will find at Sarah's blog.

I hope you've enjoyed my little tour through blogland!!

Hello December and Christmas decorations!

What are you saying Hello to this week?


  1. 15 years sounds like such a long time! You would definitely see the world changing over that period. My family has been in Malaysia for 10, and our town seems very different from when we first moved--I wonder what my own life as an adult expat will look like a decade and a half from now...

  2. Wow you have quite a story, so interesting! You are a very brave woman to take on all of that, I'm sure I would have crumbled somewhere along there. Can't wait to check out these other bloggers!


  3. Don't feel bad Tina. I'm not a super organized blogger either! I write when I'm inspired. I've tried using a blog calendar before but it was too rigid for me. I enjoy blogging as a creative outlet and over planning kind of takes the fun out of it for me!

    Thanks for the prompt! I'll start to work on my tour through blogland. ;o)


  4. I'm actually surprised to hear you're not an organized person by nature! I go back and forth - sometimes I feel like I have everything together, but then, before too long, I'll fall into a period of disorganization again.

    I love your perspective on expat life - it is a unique one! You've had the opportunity to live in some truly cool places, I admire you for your willingness to try so many different things!

  5. It's hard to believe it's been that long sometimes! Those first few years seem like ages ago!!

  6. I can't say that it was always pretty or that I always handled it so well. I made it through and however hard parts of it may have been, I'm thankful for those times. It helped shape me as well as being able to help others going through a similar experience.

  7. Well said!! I agree!! Those posts that I can't wait to share just roll out of me. If it's more forced, it can take longer. Can't wait to see your tour!! =)

  8. I'm really not. In my home, I like for things to have a place. It might just take awhile for it to get to where it belongs. ;) We are terrible about that. I've gotten better, but with 3 kids that leave stuff everywhere all the time, I go a bit mad with all our stuff!!
    I enjoy trying new things, I don't want to do it alone though! I think I would have a difficult time going back to a country where I would have to learn the language. My brain is just not language savvy!

  9. I agree with Sarah. You're my GO TO EXPAT because you have so much experience!! :) It's also so inspiring to me how you jump in at each new place. I feel like if/when we move somewhere new after Scotland, I will need a push to jump in again. It's taken me over a year to make friends here. :)

    PS Thanks for featuring me along with these other lovely gals!!

  10. I'm so surprise to hear you don't consider yourself a writer - I think you write very nicely!

  11. I love those blogland posts!!! I loved learning more about you!!!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  12. So great to see bloggers supporting each other!

    The Doctor Diva

  13. I'm so overdue in responding!! But, thank you!! I think I will need a push if it happens again, in all honesty. It's taken about that long for us to make friends too. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

  14. I like reading your writing, Tina! I didn't realize you'd lived abroad for so long, and in so many places - what an inspiration! Thanks for highlighting new bloggers; fun to have more good reads :)

  15. Hi Tina, will check out your recommendations - wishing you a lovely festive season

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

  16. I adore these blog tour posts - I'm always so relieved to know that I'm not the only disorganised one :D


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