25 February 2012

School Stuff

I can't say that we've had much going on around here.  Mostly just school and sickness.  I haven't been to church due to someone being sick the past several Sundays.  Looks like we won't be making it tomorrow either.  We had one week without some kind of stomach bug or cold and now Brennan and I have a cough.  He doesn't seem too bad, but mine seemed to get worse over night and wouldn't ya know, on the day that the hubs is gone for a few days.  We'll survive though.  We always do.

I've been busy with my PTF stuff at the school.  We are in the midst of a book drive.  We'll then have a book sale to raise funds and will follow it up with an International Family Fun Night.  I've been making all kinds of posters and ads.  Here's what I've been making.

Book Drive Ad

Book Sale Ad
And the International Family Fun Night Ad

It's been fun making these although a lot of work. I've had help with secretaries at the school to print copies to send home with the kids and have posted them all over the school.
The international fun night includes a passport activity where the kids will visit different classrooms where parents have set up activities from their homeland to share.  The kids will get a stamp in their "passport."  We'll have food from all over the world and we'll finish up the evening with a cultural performances (song, dance, martial arts, etc.) from our students and families.
It should be fun.  I'm learning that I'm not a very good event coordinator though.  Here we are, less than 2 weeks out and I just don't feel like things are coming together.  I need 2 more families to host a room for the passport activity and not had anyone sign up yet for the cultural perfomance.

Some staff have told me that people wait until the last minute to sign up.  I still don't know that many people in the school and I'm not a real go getter to ask people to sign up.  So, I'm trying not to stress about it.  I'm sure it will all come together, right?

That's our lives in a nutshell right now.  I'll share more soon!

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