09 October 2011

All Before 2

We get up.
Eat breakfast.
Watch some tv.
The kids decide they don't want to watch tv, so I turn it to a channel of MY choice.  How often does that happen?!
I turn it to Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
Sob my eyes out as they make a new home for a Marine who fought in Iraq (who lost a limb) and his 4 kids.
Do mandatory reading with Karis.
Read "Marley & Me" to her and Reegan and decide we need to watch the movie.
I forget how emotional this movie is at the end, thinking I can handle it, and end up sobbing my eyes out even harder than Extreme Makeover Home Edition!!! 
Over a dog!! 
Gotta love a blubbering cry in front of the kids!  Ha!
Try to do some cleaning up of the coffee table where school papers have taken over! 
Lucky I did it today and found the medical forms for 3 kids that are due at school tomorrow!!
I start lunch.
Karis tells me the form has to be turned in to her teacher. 
I tell her the form says to turn it into the front desk. 
She argues with me. 
I pull the form out of the envelope and have here read it with me that it needs to be turned in to the front desk. 
She then proceeds to lose it and tell me that her teacher will be mad at her if she doesn't turn the form in to her. 
I assure her that she will not and to come talk to me if she does.  That I have to follow the directions on the form.
She is still not happy, sobs herself and I get frustrated because she doesn't believe me.  Her teacher's word is GOLD!  That's great and I'm SO glad she wants to please her teacher, but I'm her mom!  Trust me, girl!
She then comes into the kitchen as I finish up lunch, gets water, still a bit pouty where I explain to her that it is upsetting to me that she doesn't trust me.
She walks away and I get angry that she walks away while I'm talking.
She proceeds to spill water on herself sending her into another sobbing mess!
I tell her to chill (well, I didn't say that exactly, but something to that effect).
She says something mean to brother and sister and goes to her bed.
I tell her to stay in her bed until she can change her attitude.
She tells me her sister is always mean to her.
I remind her that she is sometimes mean to her sister.
We go over "...do to others what you would have them do to you..." Matthew 7:12 that she has been learning.
Hope she calms down before I come to get her.
I get Brennan & Reegan started on lunch and go get Karis.
She is found messing with the light fixture because she wants her pillow to glow (Sounds a bit crazy, huh?  Nana made Halloween pillow cases and used glow in the dark thread to spell their names on the pillow).
I tell her that she is sitting in a different spot at the table because Brennan is watching a show (Yes another one.  Don't judge! ;))
She's not happy about it and pouts a bit more telling me she always sits in that spot.
I tell her she won't be sitting in that spot again for awhile (we have a system at our house based on a "first day" rotation).
Make a mental note of rotating this spot (that is not the first day spot.  Confused??)!
She finally calms down and eats.
The funk is fading!!
Mama is drained from all the tv sobbing and challenging morning!
Kids are now all happily playing together.
All before 2 pm!
How many days until daddy returns!!

Did I mention daddy is on a long trip??


  1. Lane had gotten like seven spankings today, all before 1:00. I feel your pain!

  2. Hey friend! I'm back in town, and I'm feeling your pain! Want to get together this week? :o)

  3. Oh I can relate to those days...wait today is one of those days with my teenager! She is mad because she has to use her computer as opposed to mine, she has to pick up her room (never mind it is HER mess), LOL...the joys of parenthood. When Daddy returns...you need MOM time! ha ha!!

  4. Howdy from Alaska. I didn't remember you were from here. Thanks for finding me. I look forward to following your blog as well!

  5. The homeschoolin' Momma in me just pulled out the globe with my kids to show them I had a friend so far away. We discovered that we are almost exactly on the opposite side of the world from you. If we flew up and over the pole, we would then fly south down to you. Cool stuff!

  6. Just gotta love those little girl attitudes!

  7. Days without dads are hard. Hang in there!


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