05 March 2010

"Show Us Your Life" Typical Day

I wish I could say that I am this wonderfully organized mama whose day is completely planned out.
I am definitely the fly by the seat of your pants kind!
But there are aspects of our day that are scheduled, but that is mostly just meal time and play in their room time.  it will change quite a bit once we are able to get out and enjoy the sun and then when the kids head to preschool this fall.

~ 7 am I try to get up at this time, get the coffee going, do my Bible Study, take a shower, check the computer (my laptop is in the living room near me at all times).  I am not normally able to accomplish all of these things in that time, it's just some of the things I might be doing.

~ 8 am The kids are able to get out of bed.  Usually they have woken up before 8 to take a trip to the bathroom, but then it is right back to bed until 8 am.  This gives me that much needed time to sleep in get ready for my day!   I have considered changing their up time to earlier but since we are moving to Spain where the typical school day doesn't start until 9 or 9:30 am, this should continue to suit us just fine!  The late mornings in Spain are going to be a huge plus for us.  Ha!  The REALLY late dinner is going to be an adjustment.  Ok, getting off topic....

~ Soon after they are up I am preparing their morning milk and they are deciding what they want for breakfast.  Maybe 2-3 days a week I will fix something, but this is one meal I don't consistently cook.
Two or three days a week I normally have a babysitter that comes around 9:30 or 10.  She is a student (masters degree level work) and works another job so each week she comes on different days.  It makes it hard to have a scheduled week (for me anyway).  But I like having a babysitter too much to give up this much needed time to sip coffee in a coffee shop to run errands !  Ha!!

~ The days that I am home are fairly low key.  We start the day with breakfast.     And they normally watch a favorite show, or 2 or 3.  Yeah, we are a tad tv crazed.  Once the tv is off they have some play time or I try to do some preschool type projects with them (but I am not consistent with this at all) all while I am cleaning the kitchen, doing the laundry or playing on the computer (oh, I just gave myself up!  Ha!)

~ Then all too quickly, about 11:30, it's time to prepare lunch.  I have about 5 lunches I rotate so that helps keep cooking down a bit.  I enjoy baking, but cooking isn't always enjoyable to me. 

~ Around 1pm, I send the kids to have play time in their room.  This gives me some time to myself.  This use to be nap time/quiet time, but they either don't sleep anymore or if they do then it will be LATE when they finally get to sleep that night.  I use that time to do various things......laundry, clean, run to the store since the hubby works at home, prepare dinner and uh, yes.....play on the computer yet again!

~ Depending on how quickly the kids clean up their room after tornado time, I mean play time, they get up sometime between 3 & 4.  It's 4 and even later sometimes when they don't feel like picking up.  This is a big battle we are having right now.  They are usually tired, so we keep things low key. 

~ Then I finish preparing dinner and we usually eat about 6.  After dinner is usually the time the kids get to play with their daddy.  If it's a bath night then we do that and finish up the evening by doing our Bible Story/Prayer Time and watching "Little Bear."
Then off to bed with a few rounds of getting up by our oldest for almost an hour.

~ After they are all in bed I am normally finishing up laundry, if we got to playing a lot I finish cleaning up the kitchen and of course have some computer time.  The hubby and I will sometimes watch something.  Depending on how much work he has left to do.

There ya have it!

Check out Kelly's Korner if you want to join in on "Show Us Your Life" each week!


  1. I loved hearing about your day, and that you say that you try to get up at 7! :) I always have to try to get up a certain time to! Cute blog and so glad I stopped by! Have a great weekend!

  2. It was great to get an inside view of your family's routine - it was inspiring! Thanks for sharing!


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