26 January 2010

You don't think...

...he's obsessed, do you??

By the way, his daddy drew the Spiderman on the apron above. 

And B is SO gonna love this Spiderman when we get to Madrid!



  1. Can you get Kraft Spiderman maceroni and cheese there? Too cute. We are all about Star Wars like that at my house.

  2. No we can't. I don't think I want him knowing about it or he will want it all the time!! =P

  3. So CUTE! I just love the apron Jerry drew!

    What does he like about Spiderman?

    What are the girls into? Do you have 2 Princesses at your house? Do they try to get their brother to be the Prince? : ) Sophi is always getting her Papa or I!!! to be the Prince!

    You are so blessed, Tina!

  4. It started when we got a Spiderman suit and put it in our crate for Prague. When we opened it up he just loved it. In time we introduced him to the cartoons and he has seen the movies (fast forwarded through the scary parts of course). He loves it all!
    The girls like princesses, Tinkerbell, ballerinas. but I can't say they are THAT into being princesses or anything really. No talking their brother into being a prince. I don't think he would have any of that! Ha!


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