28 January 2010

Not much of an update on Madrid

 I found myself a tad grumpy about it today.  And if I'm truly honest, even a little sad.  This is going to be one SLOW process!! 
Today I stopped and did the math on how long it could take before we move.  BIG mistake!  Why do I even go there?!  I know, God has a plan and the perfect time, but come on God.  I only want to get there and do this work for you!!  Ha!
We have a logistics coordinator in Madrid that has now sent in a visa request for us to the government in Spain.  Typically it takes 6 weeks to hear back on that.  Then with that little piece of paper we can go to the Spanish Embassy in Prague, along with a visa application and a bunch of other little pieces of paper (birth certificates, health certificates, marriage license, police report, etc) we can submit our application for a visa.  Thinking about getting all those papers together makes my head spin.  And not only get them together, but get them translated into Spanish.
Based on the process in the past the coordinator figures we could make an appointment around March 22 to submit our paperwork.  When doing it from the States, once this information is submitted at the embassy, the process takes about 4 months!  Say what??  Seriously?!
We do have some friends who also did this process outside of the US and the time from submitting the paperwork was only 2 months.  Even still, that does not get us to Spain until May.  If it is the latter, it wouldn't be until July!!  Argh!!
So, that is our not so much of an update on moving to Madrid.  So, life must go on in Prague, although I find myself daily dreaming of days in Madrid!   One day, one day this year we will get there! 
So, I think I'll go play soccer with the kids in the hallway and try to get out of my grumpy mood!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand your frustration. We graduated last May with plans to be at the farm in October or January, getting us overseas in January or early April. Got pregnant, things changed. Low LMCO, things changed. Baby's late, things might change. :-) And that only gets us to our first destination, not even our final one! So I feel your pain. Isn't it good to know that God is in control of it all?


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