30 October 2009

Potty training #3

Karis was a breeze to potty train and it happened right around the time she turned two. She was interested one day and just about the next was trained. She wanted to wear big girl panties, had one accident and after that only had smallish accidents. That was it!!
My twins have not been so easy. Their 3rd birthday came & went and still no interest! Now, I do have to add that we had a lot of change in that time with being in TX for so long and then moving back to Prague. I just didn't stress it and knew we would have time to work on it. My plan was to start in the summer, but summer just about came and went and still no interest. And life with 3 that are 4 & 3 is just a crazy, busy time and having to be really focused on potty training, well it just wasn't a huge priority.
But then, one day Brennan finally showed some interest. It took some accidents and training (hey, what kid doesn't...they aren't all like Karis, Ha!), but we got there. Reegan, on the other hand, showed no interest whatsoever! Their Nana has been helping me to get her to go these past few weeks while here. Putting her in panties and having her go every couple of hours (the girl doesn't drink much....working on that too). And I must say she is finally getting it. I say that when she had 2 accidents today! She just gets busy and doesn't want to stop to go! I think she takes after her mama! I was having accidents up until I was 8 or so. Yeah, not one of my prouder moments! Ha!
While out on our excursions the past couple of days, Reegan WANTED to go to the bathroom AND kept her pull-up dry! Slowly, but surely we are getting there. And then NO MORE DIAPERS! Yay!!

And to end this post. I just heard Brennan on the outside of the bathroom door, yell to daddy "That's a good boy {for going tee tee}." Oh that boy cracks me up constantly!!! Ha!

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