15 May 2013

Settling In

Hello Friends!  The poor blog has been a bit neglected as of late.
I've been using the time to settle in and set up house.  Oh and stick a month of being sick in there. Wait, make that poorly as the English say!   Sick has a whole other meaning.

Our entire household took a turn with a cold/cough and I had it for an entire month!!  Ugh!

Brennan and I at the walk-in clinic.  Somehow we are smiling.  Ha!

We've done a few fun things around the area over the past few weeks, so hopefully you'll stick with me and be back to read more soon!!  Here is a little glimpse for ya.

Bed shopping.

 Getting to know our town of Horsham.

A trip to a farm during lambing season.

A morning out with friends for some shopping and tea!

A day at a West Sussex antique fair. 

Working on projects at home to get organized and make curtains.

Organizing with cereal boxes and other various food boxes.  More to come soon!

Kitchen curtains out of coffee sacks!

Horse riding!!

I'll be back with more soon, I promise!


  1. Sounds like quite an adventure.

  2. Glad you are settling in. It does take time and my blog took a backseat a few times as well - completely understandable with all the changes and especially if you were feeling poorly. Lovely photos and I enjoyed getting a glimpses into your expat life again.

  3. When I read your first few lines of settling into a new house and saw photos of you bed shopping I thought, "She's living my exact life!" But then I carried on to lambing season and cobblestone streets and realized, not so much! Yours is way cooler!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Appreciate your comment :)


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