28 January 2013

Christmastime in Review

It's about time I updated the blog, don't ya think?!

So, I need to go back ALL the way to Christmas!  Sad, sad blogger I am!

*We enjoyed spending a graduation day/going away party for Jarred & my niece, Corrie.  We enjoyed being in the same place for a few months.

*Lunch time with the kids at school.  Boy, do they love it when we bring a special treat for lunch and eat with them.

 *We've not had a chance to visit Santa in the past.  This year they made up for that and got to visit Santa 3 times!

*Finally got my hair cut and highlighted.  It hadn't been done since about March!

*Decorated gift bags for close family members.

*Made t-shirt scarves for teachers, friends and family!

*Enjoyed a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at our host church, Tabernacle.  The kids enjoyed the "snow" machine!

*We also spent Christmas Eve with our long time friends, the Vanns.

*Setting out cookies for Santa!

*Christmas morning excitement

We spent the day with family at our house, but I seem to have been chatting and cooking a bit too much that I didn't get the camera out!

Next up, we head to Tennessee to visit friends.


I love hear from readers and connecting with you!


  Deeper - adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. It's been a long time since I've ...